Ch. 17: New Day

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The next day, the fire stopped, destroying at least ten miles of forest and killing an uncountable amount of animals. Amity lowered the dome and carried Luz's unconscious body through the area with Luz's arm over her shoulder, looking for Nathan.

"Nathan! Nathan!" Amity called out as she and Ghost looked for him. "Do you sense him anywhere, Ghost?"

"I'm trying but no. Even my sense of smell is ineffective because of the ash in the air." Ghost said, rubbing her nose.

"Ugh, I can't go far while carrying Luz, Ghost, I need you to watch her, I'll go look for Nathan. I'll be right back." Amity said, laying Luz against a rock, "Please be okay."

Amity took off running, looking everywhere for him, when she found him, heavily burnt, barely breathing, while clutching a dirt covered box to his chest in front of a small hole.

"Mr. Noceda!" Amity said.

She rushed over to him, turning him over to face her.

"Mr. Noceda, can you hear me?" Amity asked.

"W-w-where's Luz?"

"Luz is safe. Ghost is with her." Amity said, trying to find a way to lift Nathan up gently. "Come on, I know who can get you fixed up."

'Eda and Emira are leagues ahead of me in healing magic. They can save him!' Amity thought.

"No... I'm not making it." Nathan said, "I can already tell."

"Don't say that! You need to make it, you need to live for Luz! She just got you back and you want to die on her again?!" Amity shouted at him.

"I-I'm sorry, I truly am. B-But I'm afraid th-this is as far as I go." Nathan said, slowly pushing the box he held to Amity. "B-But please, you have t-to give this to Luz."

"Tell her... I'll... always love her..." He said, "And even though it was a short amount of time... I am glad to call you... my daughter in law."

"I.. thank you... I'll get this to Luz." Amity said, "Rest easy... you did good, and I know Luz loves you for it. She wanted me to tell you that."

Nathan smiled.

"That's all a dad wants."

He went limp, dying with a smile. Amity wiped tears from her eyes. His last words, seemed to hit Amity the hardest for some reason.

'All a dad wants'

Amity closed her eyes and wiped the tears away. She took the box and looked at Nathan's body.

"I'll be back for you, you'll get a proper burial." Amity said.

Amity carried the box back to Luz and Ghost, both of which were just as unharmed as she left them.

"Did you find him, mother?" Ghost asked.

"Yes, but he didn't make it." Amity said, drying her tears.

Amity heard something and looked up, seeing a helicopter. Amity put the box down and waved her arms, getting the helicopters attention. The helicopter landed and Amity looked at Luz.

"Don't worry, Luz, we'll get you help soon." Amity said.

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