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Izuku pov

"Why did you jump?"

I blinked a few times out of genuine shock, I stood there trying to mutter out something in response. "Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows towards him.

"I said, why did you flunk?" The counselor looked at me with a curious look, he clicked through his desktop monitor, pulling up my grades. I sat across from him in his tiny cramped office.

"Flunked? I...failed a class?" I muttered still in shock by what I heard, what I think I heard. I don't know, maybe I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should.

He sighed looking at his watch, "look Izuku, you seem like a nice kid. I'd hate to make you retake freshman math...again." He promptly typed something on his keyboard and with the click of a mouse his printer started up from across the room. The sudden whirring of the machine made my heart skip a beat and I might've flinched.

"I printed out something that might help." He let out a sigh as he stood up from his office chair. He took the freshly printed piece of paper, handing it to me. I slowly took it, lowering my eyes upon the paper. A tutoring flier for a teacher I've never heard of.

"Stop by her classroom sometime, you need to improve that grade." He sat back in his chair and was immediately glued onto the monitor typing away. I nodded, sitting there awkwardly awaiting anything else he had to say. He took his eyes off his screen to glare at me before flashing a smile. A smile I could only describe as the kind you give someone just to be nice to them, even if you don't want to.

"That's all for now Midoriya."

"Right." I said as I quickly stood up, dying to leave his office, taken aback and confused.

I walked down the hall with no real direction, it was lunch and I preferred to keep my head buried in books or at least pretend to. I started speeding up the pace through the loud crowded halls to the library.


Aizawa pov (last period)

"All right, that's all for now. I want today's lesson turned in by Wednesday." I said as a waterfall of students spared no time to push past each other, spilling onto the hallways. I started putting my paperwork away until I remembered the folder from earlier.

"Katsuki and Kirishima, a moment please." I watched as the redhead perked up from his cell phone and the blond slung his backpack over his shoulder. They stood awkwardly apart from each other staring at me, everyone knows they aren't on best terms, especially since USJ.

"What do you know about the USJ incident?" I calmly asked, crossing my arms. Kirishima blankly stared at me before he furrowed his eyebrows, lost in thought. Katsuki sighed, shrugging, "What everyone else knows already. Why are you bringing this up again?" He sneered in annoyance.

"If you don't mind Aizawa, I really need to go." Kirishima muttered in response leaving no room for comments, he swiftly left the room. Katsuki was about to do the same when I held the folder out. "Ok then, what do you know about this?" He turned to face me confused as he watched me open the folder, showing him a picture of the green haired kid. 

I watched as his face turned to one of surprise and unease. He opened his mouth to say something but thought about it, "why am I of interest?" He spat out back in his normal composure, calm and collected.

"Cut being a smartass, do you know him or not?" Reiterating, I snapped back in response, getting impatient by the minute. He shrugged as I looked into his eyes. He didn't want to show it, but he was panicking on the inside.

After a few minutes of awkward staring and the fidgeting of his sleeves he huffed and fessed up. "I do, we're childhood friends." Is all he said before he walked out, I watched him silently as he left my room in a hurry.


Afternoon (7:45 pm)

I was lounging in my designated dorm room in the teachers building. Dozing off with a half eaten sandwich in my hand when suddenly I was startled out of what could've been the best sleep I've had in awhile. My phone was blaring from across the room. I let out a groan before setting down my sandwich and standing up from bed.

"Aizawa." I answered.

"Shota! I hope I wasn't bothering you, it's been a workload this week!" A cheery voice blared through the phone, Tsukauchi.

I let out a small grin, "yea tell me about it."

"Good news, my miracle kid wants to get into UA." He said trailing off.

"Kid?" I was confused as to what he was referring to. "Sorry! I meant Izuku, you know, the kid whose case I asked you to review."

"Righttt." I said putting emphasis on the last part.

"And you know...you don't have to, but put in a good word for him. He's a good kid." Tsukauchi said.

"You're too nice for your own good Tsukauchi." I yawned.

"Always am, anyways...I'll leave you to it!" He hung up. I lowered the phone looking at the time, it was barely going to be eight. Tonight was going to be a long restless night, yay insomnia. 

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