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I curled up into myself resting my head on my knees. I sat of the floor, silent, and slowed down my breathing to hear the noises outside. Feet shuffling through and chatter echoed. I reached for my sweater pocket and took out my schedule again.

I read through my list of classes. AP lit, Environmental Science, architecture, AP calculus, engineering, computer science, and physics. I let out a lengthy sigh, all these classes seem really important. I glaze over the paper before I put it back into my pocket again. I shuffle off the mattress and grab my book bag.

Before I grab the door I pause and look around, empty, except my duffel bag sticking out like a sore thumb. Maybe I'll stick out like a sore thumb too. I don't care about that, I care about locking in and keeping myself in check.

I'm already starting to love this place and its culture. Blink too slow and you'll get behind quick, I don't want that.

I grin and step out.

Task one: find Bakugou.

Or rather, surprise the hell out him.

8:35 am

I recognize these hallways, I drifted past them many times before. I don't spare any time as I creep around the hall keeping my eyes peeled for a moody blond. I wander around through the east academy wing a bit more. My smile deflated, no sight of him. I swiftly take out my phone and check the time, 8:40.

I'll have to creep up on him during lunch or something. Because id hate to be late on my first day. I head towards the general education section of the campus. Slightly disappointed but jittery nonetheless. I rummage for my schedule once more.

Class E-4, AP Literature. I can feel my chest tightening and I heave, whatever confidence I have left is slowly faltering. With each step my hands start to get clammy, I let out a forced breath. Wiping my hands on my shirt, the fabric numbs my fingertips.

This is okay. I remind myself.

I wanted this. I think, and I can't possibly back away now, everything is in its place. I force myself to keep walking. Reminded that I only have three minutes I speed up my pace to a swift walk.

The hallway blurs into swivels of color and shapes as I focus on the numbers of each doors I pass by. I skid to a stop when my eyes land on big bold letters 'E-4'. I take note of how the door is tall enough for to accommodate everyone. Just like the ones in the hero department. And other than the green lettering instead of the red ones everything is relatively identical.

I grab the door handle and swing the door open at the same time the bell rings.

Bakugou, 10:16 am.

I stare blankly at the sheet of paper on my desk. When I thought of being in a hero course I imagined doing cool shit. Fighting, kicking peoples asses... for training purposes.

I scribble on the side of my desk instead of focusing on the test in front of me. I gaze at other people's faces discreetly and it seems that everyone is confused. Nobody wants to do this test right now... well, except for four eyes.

He looks like he's having a blast, scribbling down shit. Nerd.

I turn back towards my paper and answer randomly, something is better than nothing. Right? My pencil screeches to a halt as I set it down. That's about as much effort as I care to give.

I sink into my seat, and cross my arms. With nothing else to do I might fall asleep. But I keep my eyes busy, staring down other people. I find them interesting sometimes, like the way dunce face chews on his pencil every time he's anxious. He's doing it right now. Or the way the nepo baby, Shouto, taps his fingers along his thigh every time he's trying to form a thought.

I glance towards his desk, he whose name goes unspoken. I don't feel worthy of even thinking his name. I stare at him hard, trying to catch a pattern. No matter how long or how often I look I can't grasp him in his entirety. He's entire being is monotonous, was it always like this? Without change, he blends in with the rest.

The glint in his eyes is... gone? I'm not sure, I can't spare many glances without getting caught by his empty glare. The few times I tried felt invasive, I was only pushing him away from whatever strings we were tied to.

Whatever is left of it anyways.

Did I always push people away like this? Even before Izuku? Was I always this hard to be around?

I slowly feel a pit in my stomach sink, void of anything reassuring. Something cruel, something that doesn't forgive assholes like me.

Just one more class until lunch.


I'm sat at the very front, fidgeting with my schedule in hand. I'd like to say that I'm paying attention but I'm really not. I look at my schedule again for the millionth time. I have one more class until lunch. I could easily get used to this.

I refocus my attention on the teacher who reads from her computer. Something about a grading deadline, I don't understand the rest. But she spares me a reassuring glance, everything is going to be okay. I return her glance with an awkward smile.

I rest my hand on my left cheek, and accidentally make eye contact with a purple haired student. He stares for a while before he looks away furrowing his eyebrows. At a glance he looks annoyed. I notice the way one of his hand rubs on the fabric of his uniform. And the way his lips contorts, biting the inside of his cheek.

He doesn't look pissed off, his body language says something different. Maybe anxious or... I shouldn't assume.

I turn back towards the front, reminding myself. Just one more class. I feel a low grumble from my stomach, I did in fact skip breakfast.

Did I even take my pills today?

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