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As the group arrive at the monastery they are soon greeted by Wu, Misako, and the monks before they notice the group's sad faces.

"What is it?" Wu asks.

"Cole's gone." Alexis says sadly as Lloyd puts a hand on her shoulder.

"He fell into the darkness." Jay says.

"A-And the Realm Crystal?" Wu asks.

"We destroyed it but it didn't stop them." Lloyd says.

"What do we do now?" Misako asks.

"Luckily you have me." Garmadon says as he is standing in the gate way.

"Garmadon?" Misako asks.

"Misako. The old me would have something heartfelt and sweet. But I am no longer that man. Wu wipe that gloomy look off your face and do something with this." Garmadon says as he tosses the golden armor to Wu.

"The Armor of the Golden Master." Wu says as he catches the armor.

"If we melt it down and reforge the weapons of spinjitzu we might still have a chance." Nya says.

"Prepare the forge." Wu says.

"I guess I better get to it huh?" Kai says.

"Kai you're the Master of Fire. You can do this." Nya says as Kai looks at her.

"Nya is right Kai. Do it for Cole." Alexis says.

"Yeah. Right. How hard can it be?" Kai asks as he walks to the forge with the others following him.


"The darkness." Nya says as they hear bells after forging the weapons and see the Oni are coming.

"It's here." Lloyd says.

"I guess it's now or never." Alexis says as the group begin to get the citizens into the monastery.


"Lloyd!" Misako shouts as she is running up to the others with a child.

"Mother! You should be inside." Lloyd says worriedly.

"I'm not leaving you." Misako says as Lloyd grabs her hand.

"No matter what happens those inside need your protection. Will you do that for me?" Lloyd asks as Misako looks at the child.

"I love you. Be careful." Misako says as she hugs Lloyd and runs inside with the child before Faith comes over with a sword.

"Faith!" Jay shouts.

"What are you doing here?" Alexis asks.

"You should be resting Faith. You're not fully healed yet." Kai says.

"If the end is coming I will face it on my feet." Faith says.

"As will I." Wu says as he comes over.

Call To The Wild Ninjago Cole X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now