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I looked at my watch.

Time: 03:00
Date: December first, 2005
Location: Amsterdam
Target: Violet Shadow

This is Black Widow, on site and ready for the first attempt at the assassination of Violet Shadow.

I wrote into my journal. I'm not sure why I always wrote my work down, no one could ever read it or I'd be finished. I guess I just wanted there to be something left of me, something as proof of my existence, of my life, if you could call it that.

I was alone, always had been, always would be, just me and the Job. It was always the same, just waiting around for someone to call with 'business' they needed attending to and being payed to take the lives of horrible men who must've been hated by at least someone.

But today was a little different. For the first time, I'd been hired to kill a woman. She was called the Violet Shadow. No body had ever seen her before, only her eyes, which were rumoured to be a bright violet colour.

I'd been tracking her down for months, always just a little too late. She was amazing, always one step ahead. The agency that hired me, Scorpia, had been searching for her for years, but I was the first to ever even come close.

I was nervous, for the first time ever. I had no problem killing men, the disgusting pigs they are, especially the ones people wanted dead. But women, regardless of what they do, they are beautiful beings, sculpted by gods. I never thought I'd have to kill one, all I ever wanted to do was show them how amazing they were. But it was the job, so I'd have to do it. Besides, no one knew what, the head of Scorpia, was capable of, I didn't want to disappoint him. I couldn't afford to.

I couldn't help but feel uneasy as I was finally sitting outside the hotel which contained the woman I'd been stalking. It didn't add up. One minute she was untraceable, the next, she popped right up on my radar. At least if she'd let herself slip like that, she might've been easier to kill than I thought.

Realising it was finally time to make my move, I took a deep breath, venturing out into the night, shivering slightly in the cold. I had her exact location embedded into my mind. She was on the 6th floor, not too high up, but it wasn't a very tall building anyway.

I reached the cracked stone wall, looking up to find her window. Luckily for me, her room was right next to a drain pipe, perfect for me to climb up, too perfect. I felt a shiver travel up my spine. This was too easy.

Shaking off the feeling, I began to climb, making sure my weapons were safely secured so they wouldn't slide out. There were no cameras on the back wall, no one would ever know I was there.

I shimmied along the ledge to her window, looking inside. It went into her bedroom. Perfect. Silently, I pushed on the window, expecting nothing but just checking before I bothered getting out my lock pick. However to my surprise, it creaked, sliding up easily.

She left her window open? Amateur.

I smirked to myself  as I slid through the small gap in her window, perching inside the room and taking in my surroundings.

To the right of the window was a bed, with a woman sleeping peacefully on top of it.

She was beautiful. Her long brown hair flowed around her face as she lay on her back. I smiled at her, her side profile was so pretty, so delicate. And in the faint moonlight that shone through the window, I could just about make out her soft features.

Surely this angelic being was not the woman I'd been hired to kill.

But everything checked up. Literally everything. Why did she have to look like that? It just made the job harder.

Natasha Romanoff: Killer of men, Lover of womenWhere stories live. Discover now