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It was early in the morning and Anna was still half asleep when she heard a loud knock on her door. She opened the door to find Maria standing on the other side with a worried look on her face. Anna was shocked to see Maria standing there so early in the morning and did not expect to see her so soon. She was unsure of what to say or do and felt unease. As this was the first time, she had ever felt uncomfortable around Maria, Maria quickly noticed Anna's discomfort and asked if she was OK. Anna nodded in response and Maria gave her a warm hug, assuring her that everything was going to be alright. She started to ask about Anna's health, scanning her with her eyes for any signs of distress. Maria could tell that Anna had cried the night before. Her face was still swollen from tears. Maria was concerned and asked what had happened. But Anna shook her head and tried to act like nothing was wrong. Maria, however, could tell something was off Maria asked Anna if she had told him about her feelings yesterday. Anna shook her head and replied that he already had a girlfriend and she didn't want to make things awkward. Maria nodded in understanding and held Anna's hand in reassurance. She told Anna that it was alright to feel sad and that it was natural to feel hurt and disappointed. She reminded Anna that she was strong and could get through this. Anna hugged Maria tightly and thanked her for her support. Maria reminded Anna that she was not alone and that she could rely on her for support. They hugged again and Anna promised she would be alright. Maria gave her one last reassuring smile before they went downstairs.

1 week later...

Maria had been planning a day trip with her friends for a while, and she knew it would be a great opportunity for Anna to get out of the house and have some fun. So, Maria gave Anna a call and invited her to join in on the trip. At first, Anna didn't seem too interested in the idea. However, with a little bit of convincing from Maria and Jake, Anna finally agreed to come along on the trip.

When they got to the train station, the group was surprised to see a fourth person waiting for them - Ben, Maria's new boyfriend. Anna and Jake were taken aback by the surprise, but Maria quickly explained that she had been meaning to tell them about Ben. She apologized for not revealing their relationship sooner, but assured them that she was excited for them to meet each other.

Ben stepped forward and said,

"Nice to meet you all, and I hope you two are okay with me joining today."

Jake looked over to Anna, seeing her expression of surprise and disappointment, and he suddenly smiled and said to Ben,

"Of course, Ben, it's so nice to meet you! Welcome to our team."

Anna mustered a smile and nodded her head in agreement, and the four of them boarded the train. Even though Anna was still feeling uncomfortable seeing Ben with Maria, she made an effort to hide her feelings and tried to engage with them. Jake, sensing her discomfort, stepped in and helped her feel more at ease. Grateful for his support, Anna smiled and nodded in agreement, and the four of them began their trip. They chatted and laughed the whole way, getting to know each other better and enjoying the scenery that passed them.

After a long and arduous climb, they finally reached the top of the mountain. As Anna walked into the serene spot, she noticed that Ben and Maria were holding hands and standing beside her. Anna took a few steps forward and looked up at the sky, stretched her arms widely and closed her eyes, taking in the beautiful scenery around her. Just then, Jake came up to her and put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. Anna leaned into him for a moment, feeling grateful for his presence. She breathed in deeply, taking in the fresh mountain air, and smiled contentedly.

At that moment, Jake's words were like music to Anna's ears.

"Let it go, Anna."

"You will get better, trust me,"

his comforting smile warming her heart. As she locked eyes with him, she couldn't help but notice how beautiful Jake's dimples looked while he smiled. His eyes sparkled and his smile was warm and inviting. However, as soon as she realized Jake's effect on her, Anna quickly distanced herself from him. She wondered why her heart suddenly beat so fast, and tried to shake off the feeling. But it was too late. Suddenly, her face turned red and she covered it with her hands. She didn't want Jake to see how he affected her. Without thinking, she ran into Maria to hide from Jake. She needed to calm down and get her emotions under control.

Anna couldn't understand why she was feeling this way. She had never felt this way about him before. As she sat down to catch her breath, she realized that her mind was in a state of chaos and confusion, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by his presence in that moment.

So "It's nothing, just affection," Anna said to herself.

"You need to calm down Anna and get a grip on your emotions."

She took a few deep breaths to slow her racing heart, and eventually her face stopped burning. She could still feel the butterflies in her stomach, but she had managed to keep her emotions and thoughts under control. Anna finally felt ready to face Jake again after collecting herself.

The four of them thoroughly enjoyed their trip together. Throughout the journey, Anna began to feel more at ease with Ben. Eventually, she accepted him as Maria's boyfriend. The experience brought them closer, and they left the trip with fond memories.

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