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Ben reminded Maria that Anna was innocent and had done nothing wrong, and that she should not be too harsh on Anna. He reminded Maria that she had always worried about her, and that she should be kind and forgiving. Maria nodded in agreement and felt guilty for her harsh treatment of Anna. She decided to meet Anna in person and ask for forgiveness for her behavior. Maria went to the room and found Anna sitting on her bed in the dark room. She quickly turned on the light and walked towards Anna, her eyes red from crying. Maria felt a wave of guilt wash over her as she looked at Anna and she knew she had gone too far. She took a deep breath and apologized to Anna for her harsh words and her behavior. She asked for forgiveness and promised to never act that way again. Anna nodded, she hugged her and accepted her apology, and both of them shared a tearful moment.

The next day morning, Maria was getting ready to go to college and asked Anna to get ready as well. However, Anna was sitting on her bed deep in thought, remembering the kiss she had with Jake the previous day. She was unsure of how to face Jake and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. Maria noticed the change in Anna's mood and realized what was wrong. She went over to Anna and hugged her tightly. Maria asked Anna what was wrong, but Anna remained silent. Maria knew that something was bothering Anna and she asked her again, but Anna still didn't tell her. Maria knew Anna would eventually tell her when she was ready, so she just hugged her again and Maria asked Anna if she was ready to go to college, and Anna said yes. She smiled and the two of them started to get ready and leave for college.

They walked out the door and were on their way to college. As they walked down the street, they saw Ben and Jake coming from the opposite direction. Maria smiled and waved at them, and Ben and Jake waved back. Maria ran to Ben and hugged him, and at this time Jake looked to Anna with a smile and Anna started blushing and tried to avoid her embarrassment in front of Maria and Ben. Anna quickly looked away and pretended not to notice Jake.

Maria suggested that they all go to the college canteen together and have breakfast before classes began and the four of them went to the canteen together. Anna and Jake sat next to each other and avoided eye contact. Anna kept her mind focused on her breakfast, while Jake seemed lost in his own thoughts. Anna and Jake were awkward with each other. At this time, Ben and Maria noticed the tension between the two and they exchanged looks. Maria could tell something was wrong and she asked Anna if everything was okay. Anna just smiled and said yes, but Maria knew something was wrong. Ben also noticed the awkwardness between the two and he asked Jake if everything was alright. Jake just nodded and said yes without making eye contact with Anna. After they finished breakfast, Jake took a chance to talk to Anna, but Anna was walking fast, trying to avoid the conversation. She knew that she was feeling something for Jake, but she was too scared to let him know. Maria noticed that Anna was trying to get away from Jake and she asked her to slow down. Anna stopped walking and turned to face Jake, who was looking at her with a hopeful expression. She could feel her heart racing and her cheeks blushing, but she still didn't say anything. Jake took a step closer to Anna, but before he could say anything, she quickly turned around and walked away. Jake was left standing alone, feeling confused and hurt. Maria followed Anna, not knowing the situation at that time. Ben put his hand on Jake's shoulder and took him for a walk, trying to cheer him up and make him feel better. As they walked, Ben asked Jake what was wrong, but Jake just shook his head and said nothing. Ben could tell that something was wrong and he tried to get Jake to talk about it, but Jake remained silent. Eventually, Ben realized that it had something to do with Anna and the two of them stopped walking. Ben looked into Jake's eyes and told him that he should try to talk to Anna and tell her how he feels. Jake was surprised that Ben knew about his feelings for Anna, and he just stared at Ben in disbelief. Ben smiled and said that he had noticed the way Jake was caring Anna and he could tell that Jake had strong feelings for her. He told Jake to take a chance and talk to Anna about his feelings, as he was sure that she would be receptive to it. Jake nodded and thanked Ben for his advice.

On another side..

Maria was surprised to hear from Anna about Jake and she felt happy for her. She was amazed at how Jake had managed to keep his feelings for Anna a secret for so long. She encouraged Anna to take a chance and talk to Jake about her feelings, but Anna told Maria that she was confused about her feelings for Jake and that she needed time to sort them out. Maria understood and told Anna to take her time and to think it through before making any decisions. She also reminded Anna that she should be honest with Jake and tell him exactly how she feels, no matter what the outcome might be.Before leaving, Maria gave Anna a hug and said goodbye. She told Anna that she would talk to Jake and give her some time to think things through. She promised Anna that she would be there for her no matter what happened. Maria then left, giving Anna one last reassuring smile before walking away.

Maria went up to Jake and said that Anna needed some time to think things through. She asked him to be patient and to give her the space she needed. Jake was disappointed, but he understood and agreed to give Anna the time she needed. He thanked Maria for her advice and encouragement and said that he would wait for Anna no matter how long it took. Maria smiled and hugged Jake, wishing him luck as she walked away.

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