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As the semester progressed, Anna and Ben found themselves cast in the lead roles in the school's production of Romeo and Juliet.
They were both a little nervous. They had to spend a lot of time practising together. Suddenly, Anna was feeling even more uncomfortable around Ben, since they had to be close together and act out intimate scenes. However, with each practice session, Anna found that her anxiety around Ben lessened. But as they worked on their scenes together, Ben started to feel differently. He found himself drawn to Anna, and he started to feel a strong connection between them. Initially, Ben was awkward around Anna and he was unsure of how to act around her.
He thought it would be difficult to work together, especially with the romantic scenes. However, as they continued to practice, Ben began to feel more uncomfortable around Anna and he quickly noticed his growing affection towards Anna and he started to feel guilty about it, as he knew it was not appropriate. He tried to put his feelings aside and focus on acting, but he could not deny his growing feelings for Anna.

Despite his feelings for Anna, Ben decided to quit the drama production. He thought it would be best for him to distance himself from Anna, to avoid any further awkwardness or tension between them. He also worried about how his feelings might affect Maria's relationship with him. So, he thought it would be best to avoid any further interaction with Anna.

Everyone was upset and worried that they wouldn't have enough time to find a replacement. Anna decided to talk to Ben privately and find out what was really going on. She started to search for him everywhere. She asked his friends, checked his usual hangouts, and even asked around the college to see if anyone had seen him, but to no avail.
Anna finally decided to call Maria to check if Ben was with her. To her surprise, Maria said no, she hadn't seen Ben since morning. Maria asked Anna if everything was okay with Ben, expressing her worry that he hadn't been answering her calls since morning. Anna reassured Maria that Ben was most likely still practising drama, which was why he wasn't answering her calls. Anna explained that she had some work to do and so she couldn't make it to the drama rehearsal, but she was on her way there. Anna told Maria that once she reached the drama rehearsal hall, she would tell Ben to call her. Maria was still worried, but she thanked Anna for her reassurance and hung up the phone.

Maria felt that Anna was hiding something from her, and she walked over to the drama rehearsal hall to check on Ben in person and she wanted to make sure Ben was alright.

Meanwhile, Anna was left feeling confused after her conversation with Maria. It seemed to her that Ben was hiding something from everyone, and this realization made her determined to find him as soon as possible. She didn't want Maria to worry about him any longer than necessary

Meantime, Maria arrived at the drama rehearsal hall and she asked the students if they had seen Ben or Anna, but they said no. Maria was growing increasingly worried, and she decided to check the other rooms in the hall to see if they were there. She searched every room, but still couldn't find Ben or Anna.
She was starting to get worried. Suddenly, one of the students mentioned that Ben had quit drama earlier that day. Maria was confused and wondered what was going on and called Anna again to see if she had any updates. Anna didn't answer her phone, so Maria decided to call Jake instead.

Jake answered the phone immediately. Maria quickly explained the whole situation to Jake and she told him that Ben had quit the drama and she was worried because she couldn't find him or Anna. She asked Jake if he knew what was going on and if he knew where Ben or Anna could be. Jake said he didn't know, and he told Maria not to worry, and he rushed to the drama rehearsal hall to meet Maria.

When Jake arrived, they started asking other students if they had seen Anna and Ben, but they all shook their heads. Maria and Jake continued to search the college, but there was no sign of either of them. Suddenly, one of the students mentioned that he had seen Anna heading towards the parking lot. Maria and Jake quickly rushed to the parking lot to see if she was there.
When they arrived, they saw Ben and Anna talking in a corner of the parking lot. Maria and Jake were relieved to see them safe and sound.

Jake and Maria noticed Ben and Anna were having a serious conversation. Maria got curious, and she decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. She quickly grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him over to the nearby car. They both hid behind it, keeping out of sight of Ben and Anna.

As they listened in, Maria could hear the tension in Ben's voice. Anna seemed to be trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working. They were talking about something serious, but Maria couldn't quite make out what it was.

Jake was getting impatient. He didn't like the idea of eavesdropping on someone else's conversation, especially when it seemed to be causing them distress. But Maria was insistent, and so they continued to listen in.

Ben seemed to be refusing whatever Anna was asking him to do, but she continued to plead with him, grasping his hand in both of hers. She seemed desperate to get him to agree. He shook his head and tried to pull away, but she held on tightly.

He looked away, a pained expression on his face. Anna finally released his hand. Ben screamed and threw his hands up in frustration, desperately running them through his hair.

"I can't take this anymore,"

he shouted, his voice cracking. His eyes filled with tears and he looked at Anna pleadingly.

"I can't ignore my feelings any longer."

"I don't know what to do!"

Anna looked at Ben in confusion. She had no idea what he was saying and why he was so upset. His words were incomprehensible, and she could see he was crying. She reached out and put a hand on his shoulder in a gesture of comfort. Ben turned to Anna and, with a trembling voice, said

"I think I like you"

Anna was taken aback and didn't know what to say. She just looked at him speechless. Ben looked away; his face contorted with emotion.

"I know it doesn't make any sense,"

he said, his voice barely audible.

Anna just stared at Ben, her expression, a mix of shock and confusion.

Ben voice has started shaking.

"I know I'm confusing you, but I was so afraid of my emotions."

"I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you."

"I don't want to hurt either of you anymore."

He knelt on the ground and lowered his head. His tears streamed down his face to the earth and said to Anna


Silence for a second

"Help me."

"I don't know what to do."

"I feel so lost. I'm so afraid of what will happen if I follow my heart and I'm scared of losing Maria, because .... "

Ben heard that voice before he finished his sentence.


Maria suddenly appeared in front of them. Her face was pale and her eyes were filled with tears. Her voice was shaking.

"What are you doing here?"

Jake came forward. Seeing both, Ben was shocked and he tried to explain to Maria, but the words caught up in his throat and he was unable to speak.

He just stood there, his eyes pleading with Maria to understand. In the meantime, Anna came to Maria's side and tried to explain, but Maria pushed her away and said,

"Don't touch me!"

She looked at Ben, her expression a mix of anger and pain.

"I trusted you, Ben," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.

"I can't believe you would do this to me!"

She turned away from them and ran away. Ben quickly followed her, calling out her name, but she didn't stop.

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