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On another day, Anna woke up in Jake's room. As she opened her eyes, she immediately felt a throbbing pain in her head. She slowly got up, holding her head as she tried to remember what had happened the night before. It didn't take long for her to realize that she had a terrible hangover. Looking around the room, she realized it wasn't hers. Panic set in as she wondered how she ended up there.

Just then, Jake knocked on the door and entered the room, holding a drink with a hangover cure and he told Anna to drink it in one shot. Anna took the glass from Jake and looked at him. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she really wanted to take a drink.

Jake noticed and said,

"Trust me, you will feel better."

Anna took a deep breath and downed the drink in one shot.

Seeing that Jake smiled and handed her a glass of orange juice. Anna smiled and thanked him for his kindness.

She sipped the juice and felt refreshed.

"Thanks, Jake,"

"I really needed this."

Jake nodded and leaned back in his chair.

"No problem," he said.

"Always at your service madam."

Anna smiled and felt grateful to have a friend like Jake.

Jake looking concerned and asked

"Okay, listen, Anna, you remember everything that happened last night, right?"

Anna asked him, with an unclear voice

"What do you mean?"

Jake said,

"So, you don't remember anything?"

Jake got crazy and dragged his chair near Anna

"Oh God, Anna. Yesterday you were with Ben and when he called me to pick you up from there, he looked so upset and he didn't want you to go to your dorm. I felt something was off."

"Did you say anything to him about your feelings towards him?"

Anna shook her head, trying to remember the events of the night before.

" I don't rem" ..

Suddenly, her eyes widened in realization. A flash of memory moved through her mind and she recalled everything that she had confessed to Ben -- her love for him. Anna looked up at Jake, her face flooded with embarrassment, and said,

"Oh no, I do remember now."

She jumped from the bed and grabbed Jake's hand in desperation.

"What should I do now?"

Anna voice quivering with panic.

"I don't know what to do. I can't believe
that I said all those things to Ben."

Jake stared into her eyes and squeezed her hand gently.

"Let's just take a deep breath,"

he said calmly.

"We'll figure this out together."

Anna started pacing around the room, her mind spinning with worry.

She quickly stopped and turned to Jake with a desperate look in her eyes.

"Did Maria already find out?"

"Oh my God, Jake, I'm done."

How I am going to face her now?"

Jake said reassuringly,

"No, I don't think Maria knows yet. There's no chance Ben will tell her."

Anna looked at Jake with a hint of uncertainty and said,

"If he did"

Jake quickly interrupted her and placed his hands on her face, bringing her close to his head. He spoke in a soothing voice,

"Don't worry Anna, I will talk to Ben and sort it out. You can relax now."

Anna closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Jake, assuring Anna that he would take care of everything.

"Everything will be alright. You got me,"

Anna nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for Jake's support and calming presence.

After a few moments, Jake took her hand and they walked to the kitchen. Jake pulled out a chair for Anna and then he began to prepare breakfast for them both. He cooked her favorite pasta and placed it on the table in front of her. As she began to eat, he sat beside her and smiled, letting her know that everything would be alright.
After breakfast, Jake drove Anna to her dorm and walked her to her room. Before he left, he gave her a hug and told her to stay calm.

Anna opened her room door and suddenly Maria held her hand and said,

"Ben told me everything."

Anna's heart raced and she could feel her face flush. She tried to explain to Maria, but suddenly Maria shook her head and said,

"He told me that yesterday you were so drunk and slept over at one of your classmates room."

"Are you okay now?"

Anna was relieved. Maria was not mad at her. She nodded and replied,

"Yes, I'm okay now."

Maria hugged her and said,

"It's alright, you don't have to explain. Just be careful next time."

After that, she went to take a shower.


Jake picked up his phone and dialed Ben's number, arranging to meet him near the cafe. Ben arrived shortly and they started talking about the incident. Jake revealed to Ben that he knew everything from the beginning, and he requested Ben not to tell Maria anything about it. He explained that it would negatively affect Anna and Maria's friendship. Jake also reassured Ben that Anna had already moved on and that would never happen again. Ben listened carefully and agreed to keep the incident between them. He promised Jake that he would not mention anything to Maria. After discussing everything, they both left the cafe.
Jake called Anna and told her that he had sorted everything out with Ben and that Ben had promised not to tell Maria anything about it. Anna was relieved to hear this and thanked Jake for taking care of the matter.

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