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The summer break is almost over, and four of them have been admitted to the same college. Anna and Ben are both enrolled in the same course. However, Anna had applied before Ben and had no idea they would end up on the same course. Unfortunately, Anna cannot switch courses at this point. Maria and Jake had enrolled in different courses, but they were still able to keep in touch with Anna and Ben. Maria and Anna shared the same college dorm, and Ben also moved to the college dorm. However, Jake decided to take a separate apartment near the college so that he could still be close to his friends but have his own space.

Anna and Ben received an invitation to attend a freshman party thrown by their seniors. The invitation was such that everyone was expected to attend without any excuses. However, Anna was not in the mood to attend the party alone with Ben. She tried to bring Maria along with her, but unfortunately, Maria had her own freshman party to attend.

In the end, Anna had to attend the party. It must have been an overwhelming experience for her, but she mustered up the courage and decided to attend the party with him.

The party was filled with freshers, all eager to make new friends and connections. As the night progressed, everyone began to introduce themselves, sharing their stories and backgrounds. It was a lively atmosphere, with music blaring and laughter filling the air. After Anna and Ben introduced themselves, everyone noticed that they had been to the same school and assumed they were a couple, and they began to tease the two of them. However, Ben quickly clarified that they were just friends and he was already in a relationship.

Anna felt embarrassed and didn't know how to react. She started drinking more alcohol, hoping it would ease her nerves. But the more she drank, the more out of control she felt. Eventually, she got drunk and her head fell onto the table. Seeing this, Ben tried to wake her up, but she was already incautions.

He took her hand and made her stand. With his help, she regained some of her consciousness and started to walk. Ben held her up as they made their way out of the bar and into the fresh air. As the fresh air hit her, Anna began to feel more alert and aware of her surroundings. At that moment, Anna noticed that Ben was holding her hand and suddenly pushed him away, saying,

"Don't touch me!"

Ben was taken aback by her reaction and he quickly said,

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to help you."

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Anna suddenly felt angry and yelled,

"You're always making me uncomfortable!

Because of you, I have to face a lot of things that I don't want to!"

Ben stood there in shock, unable to say anything.

With teary eyes Anna looked directly into Ben's and said,

"I just didn't know how to tell you."


She sighed deeply and her voice softened

"I've been in love with you for a long time,"

Ben was taken aback by her confession and he couldn't believe what he'd heard. He didn't know what to say or how to react. He stood there, speechless, looking into Anna's eyes.

Anna suddenly grabbed the collar of Ben's shirt and shook him, yelling,

"How could you do this to me?"

"I've been in love with you for so long, but you chose Maria instead of me?"


"How could you do this to me?"

Ben was unable to respond to her outburst.
He had no idea that Anna had these feelings for him. He was trying to take Anna's hand away from his collar but she was already asleep and fell into his chest. He immediately held her and sat down on a bench.

Ben decided to call Maria. He reached for his phone, dialed her number, then stopped. He realized that calling Maria would only make things worse. So, Ben decided to call Jake instead. After explaining the situation to Jake, he asked Ben to take care of Anna until he could arrive.

After a short while, Jake arrived at the location. As soon as he saw Anna, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to his car. He thanked Ben for taking care of her and drove her to his home.

After they left, Ben decided to walk to the dorm; his mind filled with a mix of emotions. As he continued walking, realization hit him like a ton of bricks and he stopped in his tracks. Everything suddenly made sense,

"So, it was Anna"

Ben was in a state of shock as he sat on the side of the road, his hands covering his face. He couldn't believe what had just happened. The person he had been looking for so long is Anna not Maria.

During his school days, Ben had always suspected that someone had a crush on him. He received anonymous gifts and help from an unknown person, which made him curious about the identity of this secret person. Despite his efforts, he could never figure out who it was. However, he was touched by her care and began looking for ways to find her. After weeks of speculation, he finally discovered the identity of the person who had been following him. It turned out to be his classmate, Maria. He had suspected her for a while, as she always looked at him with a shy smile and blushed whenever they were together. He also noticed that their paths crossed more frequently than chance. On their farewell day, he gathered his courage and proposed to Maria. He was filled with joy when she said yes, and they hugged and kissed in celebration of their newfound love.

However, he had never expected that it was Anna who had been in love with him all along. Ben was torn between his feelings for Maria and regret for not noticing Anna's feelings sooner. He knew that it was too late to do anything about it now and he didn't want to hurt Maria. He decided to keep his feelings to himself and pretend he had never found out. After a while, Ben finally gathered himself and walked to his dorm.

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