Running away

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Ingrid looked out the window

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Ingrid looked out the window. It was dark. She smirked.
She was finally leaving.
She began to get dressed and made sure she had everything. Ingrid gripped the suitcase and walked towards the door and took a deep breath. She looked up at the sky and smiled happily.

'I'm free.'
Looking over her shoulder, she glanced at the place she once called 'home', it looked so gloomy and dark. It looked like it was going to fall any second.

A few minutes later, she ended up at the Stokely bus station and waited to get onto it. She obviously had to compel them to let her go onto the bus because she didn't buy a ticket.

Skip to when she's in Virginia :)

Ingrid was so tired as she got off the bus. She ended up in Virginia. Luckily, she had a map which could help her.
Taking the map out of her pocket, she scanned the map when her eyes landed on a small are called 'Mystic Falls'. Living in a small town, shortens the risk off slayers attacking her.

Stepping foot onto the bus, she looked around in disgust at the stench of breathers. They began to stare at her with disgust as did she.
'Ugh they reek, can they not have a shower?' She almost gagged.
Ingrid walked to the back of the bus and sat down next to a man.
He introduced himself as "Alaric Saltzman" which Ingrid responded "Ingrid Dracula"
" So where are you heading to?" Alaric questioned.
"Mystic Falls, what about you?"
Oh, that's where I'm heading as well." Alaric said surprised.
Ingrid stared suspiciously at him which he seemed to understand and strongly denied that he wasn't a stalker.
"So, how come you're going there?"
"My wife, Isabel recently died here so I'm visiting the town." He said sadly.
"I'm so sorry for your loss." Ingrid said rubbing his shoulder comforting him slightly.
She quickly took her hand off his shoulder and scolded herself.
Why are you showing emotion towards a breather? What good  has it done you?
"What about you?"
"Just visiting." Ingrid said lying.
She glanced out the window and slowly drifted off to sleep. 
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