Ingrid's gone

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I woke up the day after the big fight with Ingrid hoping she was okay

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I woke up the day after the big fight with Ingrid hoping she was okay. Walking towards her bedroom door, I knocked loudly but when there was no "go away".
I became concerned and opened the door.
She wasn't there.
I looked around frantically screaming Ingrid's name which made Dad come.
"What is it, Vladdy?" Dad said annoyed.
"It's Ingrid"
"Oh and what am I supposed to do?" Dad said as he rolled his eyes and turned to walk away.
"She's gone!"
"She's probably at the Branagh's" Dad said dismissively.
"Why would she be there? She's definitely gone and I'm going to find her".

The next day:
"Have you found your sister yet, Vlad?" Robin asked as we walked up the castle.
"Nope, what if she's dead?" I answered sadly.
"She won't be Vlad, don't worry we'll help." Chloe said encouragingly.
"Thanks guys." I said smiling faintly.

When we reached the castle, we sat down waiting for Dad.
Dad came and sat down.
"Any luck with Ingrid?" He said mockingly.
"Ha ha, no it's like she's disappeared." I said looking down at my plate.
Tears formed in my eyes, I blinked them away hurriedly so that Dad wouldn't see.
I miss her. I miss her bullying me. Miss her annoying voice mocking me when being friends with Robin and Chloe. I just miss her.
I looked up and breathed out deeply. I'm going to find her if it's the last thing I do.

1 year later:
I was getting tired of looking for my sister. We had moved away from Stokley because of slayers. So now we are staying at Garside Grange.
I was sleeping in my coffin, when I realised I was dreaming about Ingrid.
She was chained to a chair and looked like she was in a lot of pain. She woke up to a man opening the door. I watched in curiosity as the man sat infront of her on a stool and stared at her. He began to talk. I decided to listen.
"So where's Caroline?"
Who's Caroline?
"I don't know." Ingrid said hoarsely. 
The man took a deep breath and tugged her hair harshly.
She grunted and stared at the man angrily.
"Don't lie, it won't end well." The man said trying to intimidate her but didn't work.
"And what are you going to do?" Ingrid said mockingly.
I was shocked.
The man then had something in his hand and pressed it against her skin.
She screamed in pain very loudly.
"Stefan! Aaagh"
Who's Stefan?
I grimaced at the sight of her arm. It started to blister.
"Please don't do this."
"I have no choice, now, TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!"
I gasped awake and looked around frantically.
I vamped downstairs to where Dad, Zoltan, Renfield and Bertrand were.
"I just saw Ingrid, in my vision, she was being tortured by this man."
"Good." Dad said to busy to care.
I glared at Dad.
"We need to find her."
I grabbed Dad's hand and closed my eyes.
"Vladimir, what are you doing?" Dad said resisting.
"We are going to look at her memories.. from the start."
"Why?" Bertrand asked confused.
"So we know where she is and how she was treated by Dad." I said eyeing Dad.
"Fine." Dad sighed defeated.
"Great." I smiled.
Grabbing dad's hands, I instructed him to close his eyes and we saw her.

A/N: Oooooo they are going to see Ingrid's memories. What do you think they'll see? The past and future?
Who do you want Vlad to fall in love with?
An oc or someone from the Tvd cast?
Please vote and comment!!!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 🫶🫶

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