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It shifted to a little girl in her bedroom. She looked about 8 year old. It was Ingrid.
Ingrid sat up in bed when hearing little cries from her little brother, Vladimir. She wanted to meet him. 
Little Ingrid ran downstairs and skipped happily towards her parents room. She was so excited to have a little brother.
She saw her Dad and Mum sat on the bed holding Vlad. Ingrid opened the door quietly and walked towards them shyly. Her parents heads spun around to face Ingrid's small figure. Her mother, Magda smiled at her.
"Ingrid darling, come here." Magda said happily tapping the seat next to her. Ingrid felt eyes burning at the back of her head. She knew it was her dad but didn't dare to look. She always wondered why her dad hated her so much?
She peeked over her mothers shoulder to look at him.
"Mummy, can I hold him?" Ingrid whispered shyly.
"Y-" Magda was interrupted by the Count who looked at Ingrid with disdain.
"No you cannot, now go to your room." He said pointing towards the door.
Poor Ingrid's eyes filled with tears as she stared at her Dad with fear.
"But-" Ingrid said fearfully.
"Love, it's fine, she can hold him."
Dad glared at Magda as Ingrid kept her head down.
"Go to your room. Don't make me repeat myself."
Ingrid obeyed silently keeping her head down. She closed the door and sobbed quietly as she shut the door. She didn't see that Renfield was there as she barged into him.
Renfield looked at the young girl with worry but went away as his Master called him.
Ingrid went upto her room and wept silently. The sobs of the little girl were the only thing that Vlad could hear. It broke his heart that Ingrid was treated that way at such a young age.

I watched as my older sister who I  thought was this evil and cruel person, cry because of our father

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I watched as my older sister who I thought was this evil and cruel person, cry because of our father. She acted that way because she wanted Dad's approval.
I turned my head and glared angrily at dad.
"How could you do that to her? I can see why she feared you?" I said disgusted with his behaviour.
Dad didn't say anything which made me even more mad.
"Well she deserved it. She was weak as you can see right there and she's a girl. You're my heir not her so you're more important." Dad said dismissively.
I stared at my dad confused as to how he could say this about his daughter who was crying her eyes out because of him.
I shook my head and turned away from him too look at Ingrid.
She was sleeping now. The poor girl had cried herself to sleep.
We then saw Magda walk into the room and stare at Ingrid sadly. She walked to her bed and slowly sat down.
Magda had tears in her eyes as her hands began to shake as she touched her hair delicately. Magda began to cry silently. This made Ingrid stir in her sleep and wake up.
Magda head shot up and she quickly tried to wipe her tears away.
"Mummy? What are you doing here?"
"Oh nothing, I just wanted to say sorry about you're father." Magda said sadly.
"Oh, it's fine." Ingrid sighed looking down.
Shaking her head, Magda disagreed, "No, it's not fine, you shouldn't be treated that way, you should be treated like a princess."
Ingrid became really emotional and hugged her mother tightly and began to sob. No one had ever defended her like that. Magda hugged her just as tight and rubbed her back.
"It's okay, honey." Magda said as she rocked then.
Ingrid's sobs turned into whimpers as she felt her vision begin to darken.
She had enough strength to whisper that she loved her mother.
"I love you too, darling." Magda said lovingly.
She kissed Ingrid's forehead and slowly stood to exit the room.
Vlad had tears in his eyes as he saw their interaction. At least she had on parent who gave her attention and loved her.
The memory changed to when Ingrid was 16 which was when she had the transformation.

A/N: Poor Ingrid :(( and yes I made Magda a good character. She will appear later on.
What do you think happened to Ingrid when she was 16?
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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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