Mystic Falls

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'Finally' Ingrid thought tiredly

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'Finally' Ingrid thought tiredly.
She stood up with Alaric and was very happy to come off because of the smell. She wanted to throw up. It smelt of breather which was not good.
Alaric and Ingrid both went separate ways and promised to meet again. Luckily, the bus had stopped it front of cafe named 'Mystic Grill'. It looked nice.

Ingrid walked towards the cafe and opened the door

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Ingrid walked towards the cafe and opened the door. She stepped inside and looked around.
There were a lot of teenagers sitting around. There was a pool table, a bar and tables where you could eat and talk with friends.
She decided that she wanted something to drink and sat at the bar.
She started to wonder how her "family" were reacting if they noticed that she wasn't there?
Hearing mumbling, she glanced to see a boy with blond hair and blue eyes. She hadn't realised that she was daydreaming. (Oops)
He was cute but not her type.
"Uh, yes?" She asked
"Uh, hi I'm Matt, may I take your order?"
"Bourbon please."
"Sure!" Matt said smiling as he turned around.
She had to admit, he seemed very tense when speaking to her.
Does he know I'm a vampire? No there's no way.
When the Bourbon came, she took a sip and tasted something weird but didn't think much of it.

Their POV:
The group was sitting at the Grill and were intrigued when this girl entered the Grill. She had raven black hair then went to her shoulder and blue eyes. She had bangs and was wearing full black clothes which Caroline thought that she looked hot.

 She had bangs and was wearing full black clothes which Caroline thought that she looked hot

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Damon asked the group, "Do you think she's a vampire?"
"Probably" Elena said.
Stefan, Caroline and Bonnie also disagreed.
"I don't think so, she seems like a nice person." Caroline said as she glanced at her.
"You think she's nice? She could be another Katherine." Damon said.
"Caroline's right, she might not be a vampire." Stefan said.
They all listened as Matt gave the girl Bourbon which was laced with Vervain that is deadly to a vampire.
She took a sip of the drink but seemed fine .
"What? How is she not dying right now?" Elena said looking confused.
"Uh I don't know maybe because she's human." Caroline said
"Oh" Elena said looking at Damon.
"Or maybe she's a witch?" Bonnie said happily.
I could finally relate to someone with the same power as me.
"Can we do meet her?" Caroline said pleading with her best friends. She liked meeting new people, that probably the main reason they all became best friends.
She was a very welcoming person maybe too welcoming. The reason being she befriended the 'bad guy' Klaus Mikaelson who was after Elena.
"Sure, I'll come with you." Stefan sighed as she grabbed his hand practically dragging him across the Grill.
"Be careful, please." Bonnie said worriedly.
They smiled encouragingly at each other and began to walk towards the mysterious girl.
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