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𝘊 𝘢 𝘳 𝘭 𝘰 𝘴✧

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𝘊 𝘢 𝘳 𝘭 𝘰 𝘴

"Hey." Carlos heard making him look up from his phone.

Katrina sat down in the desk next to him. "What's up." He mumbled before getting back on his phone.

"So, how you feel about Jordyn's new friend?" She asked. Carlos shrugged, "She cool, I guess." He replied.

Katrina scoffed. "Carlos, she tried to attack you this morning."

"I called her a bitch." He scratched his head before replying to Rio's text, trying to end this conversation with Katrina.

"Umm, ok. Well, I'm still iffy about her. She was doing too much this morning." Katrina expressed and she got comfortable in the seat.

The sound of the classroom door open made most of the students look over to see who it was.

"Ah, Ms. Perez. Good to see you but you're late." The teacher told her.

Raquelle gave the lady a side eye. "Ok, please introduce yourself to the class." She told the girl. "What do I say?" Raquelle looked around at all the people staring at her.

"Just tell them your name and where you're from."

Carlos chuckled a little making her eyes snap over to him. She raised her middle finger to him before turning to the class.

"Ok. My name is Raquelle Perez and I was born in the dominican republic but I moved here from Manhattan."

"Good, I'm Mrs. Williamson. Welcome to Geometry. Alright, go ahead and take a seat behind Carlos. Carlos raise your hand." The teacher smiled.

Carlos lazily raised his hand and Raquelle groaned lowly as she walked over to the seat behind him.

The boy turned around, looking Raquelle up and down before laughing and turning back around.

She lightly slapped the side of his head before slouching in her seat and getting on her phone.

Carlos just shook his head instead of retaliating. He knew if he did then they would probably end up wrestling on the classroom floor.

"Anyway, Carlos I've been thinking and I feel like we should try again with our relationship." Katrina said making him kiss his teeth.

"No." He said immediately. "What? Why?" Her smile dropped.

"Shut the fuck up talking to me, bruh. You pissing me off." He shook his head before focusing back on the instagram reel playing on his phone.

"You're so fucking rude." Raquelle mumbled. Carlos let out a very audible sigh, expressing his irritation.

'She starting to piss me off forreal ' He thought to himself.

"I need to go smoke." He mumbled before getting up from his seat. "Can I go to the bathroom?" He asked his teacher.

"Yeah, just take the pass." She told him. "Oh and they need you in the counseling office, Raquelle. Let me write you a pass."

"Where's the counseling office?" Raquelle asked as she got up and grabbed her purse.

Ms. Williamson gave her directions and she nodded before grabbing her pass. Carlos walked towards the door, pulling it open.

He didn't bother to hold it open for Raquelle, just let it close in her face.

She quickly grabbed the door before it closed and walked out. "You really piss me the fuck off. I should really drag yo ass across this floor." Raquelle rambled.

"Damn! Do you ever shut the fuck up?" Carlos groaned.

Her talking came to an abrupt stop making Carlos turn around. Raquelle stood there in silence.

She wasn't used to people talking to her like that. If it was anyone else, she would go off.

But when Carlos did it, she like it. A lot. It made her feel weird.

"I guess you do." He mumbled before walking into the boys bathroom. Raquelle rolled her eyes before walking away, continuing her journey to the counseling office.

Cesar walked into Carlos' room, taking a seat on his bed.

"Wassup." Carlos greeted, turning off his phone and looking at his brother. "Hey, so I saw you met Raquelle." Cesar said warily.

Everyone knew Carlos wasn't fond of new people. He liked his group of friends and that was about it.

"How do you feel about her?" Cesar was only asking because Monse begged him to.

Carlos shrugged. "She's a bitch." He said making Cesar jaw drop. He smirked, "I like her attitude, turns me on." He added.

Cesar let out a sigh of relief before realizing what his brother just said. "Wait what? Don't tell me you plan on—"

Carlos busted out laughing. "Chill. I just met her." He pushed his older brother's shoulder.

Cesar gave him a look. "Like that's ever stopped you before." He scoffed. Carlos shrugged his shoulders with a sly grin on his face.

"Nah but forreal, she's annoying. I'on see myself doing nothing with her. She talks too much." Carlos laid back on his bed.

"Oh...ok." Cesar nodded his head. "Maybe you should give her a chance though. She might just seem that way because of how you talk to her."

"Fuck you tryna say? I'm mean or something?" Carlos tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Bro, you're mean as hell. My friends
are more scared of you then Oscar." Cesar laughed.

Carlos shook his head. "You're friends are scared of everybody." Cesar thought about it for a little before shrugging. "True."

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