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𝘙 𝘢 𝘲 𝘶 𝘦 𝘭 𝘭 𝘦✧

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𝘙 𝘢 𝘲 𝘶 𝘦 𝘭 𝘭 𝘦

"You know what? Just stop talking to me." Raquelle rolled her eyes and she held a hand up in Carlos face.

"Here she go. You do this shit every time you wrong." Carlos kissed his teeth. "I'm never wrong, sir." She replied matter-of-factly.

"Keep lying to yourself, ma." He mumbled but she heard him loud and clear.

"Ven pa'cá, ven pa'cá." Raquelle got up and walked over to him, grabbing his hair in her fist.

"Ahh." He groaned before grabbing some of her hair.

"Ow!" She cried out as he pulled her head down. "Aht aht ah!" Jordyn got up with Rio and Katrina behind her.

They all rushed over and tried to pull the two apart. "Let me go, bitch." Carlos demanded. "Did you just call me a bitch? I'm bout to fuck you up."

Somehow, Carlos pulled Raquelle's hand out of his hair and pulled her into a headlock. "Get off me!" She exclaimed. "Say sorry." He whispered tauntingly in her ear.

His low voice in her ear did things to Raquelle.

It made her feel stuff in places she never would have imagined. She would never admit to that, though.

Raquelle didn't want to show that on the low Carlos was getting to her. That she felt feeling for him other than dislike and irritation.

On top of that, it's only been two weeks. Definitely not a good look for her.

"No. Who do you think I am?" Raquelle refused, pulling at his arm.

Rio was laughing his ass off. "Alright, lovebirds. Break it up." Katrina's face showed an expression of irritation at the two being involved in anything romantic together.

"Say sorry, mamas." He whispered again before biting the top of her ear slightly. Raquelle whimpered slightly, trying to hold back a moan.

The only one who seemed to notice what was actually going on was Katrina. She stared at them intently, her blood boiling as she watched them.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry." Raquelle muttered. A smirk formed on Carlos face as he let her go.

She slid down from the couch and ended up on the floor. "Rah, what happened?" Rio asked through his laugh.

"Shut up. You always think something is funny." Jordyn pushed his head before squatting down next to Raquelle.

"Qué pasó?" She asked.

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