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𝘙 𝘢 𝘲 𝘶 𝘦 𝘭 𝘭 𝘦✧

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𝘙 𝘢 𝘲 𝘶 𝘦 𝘭 𝘭 𝘦

Raquelle stared at herself in the mirror, rubbing the small pudge that had formed on her stomach.

Dior ran around her feet. Eager to go for his walk. He bit the bottom of her yoga pants making her pull him away.

"No hagas eso." She point a finger at him and he immediately stopped.

"Come on, let's go outside." She pulled her shirt down before opening her bedroom door.

Dior ran out first and Raquelle followed behind him. She grabbed his leash and hooked it onto his collar before they left the house.

As she walked down the sidewalk, Raquelle scrolled through tiktok. She stopped when she came across one of Carlos's videos on her foryou page.

"Not his bitch ass being tiktok famous." She rolled her eyes, scrolling past the video.

"Let's go to the store." She mumbled before walking in the direction of the corner store.

By the time she arrived, Dior had already used the bathroom so she didn't have to worry about that.

"Come on stinky man." She motion for him to go inside and he did.

"Qué lo qué, Raquelle!" Julio exclaimed. "Hi Julio. How are you?" She asked, standing at the counter.

"Good good, and you? I see you didn't bring Carlos and the other two." He asked.

"Yeah, it's just me and Dior today." Raquelle picked Dior up. "He's getting big—"

"Damn girl, you look good."

Both their heads turned to the voice. Raquelle let out a sigh of relief seeing that it was only Jamal.

"Hey Mal." She smiled, giving him a side hug. "Why do you have a sling?"

"Still haven't told my dad about football." He explained. Raquelle and Julio nodded.

"It's getting dark out, I gotta go."

Raquelle waved as Jamal walked out the door. She walked to the back of the store, grabbing a mango arizona tea.

Dior started barking and tugging at the leash making her look down. "What's wrong?"

She looked into the direction he was trying to go and that's where she saw about three or four cars pull up on the of the street.

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