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𝘊 𝘢 𝘳 𝘭 𝘰 𝘴✧

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𝘊 𝘢 𝘳 𝘭 𝘰 𝘴

Carlos sat on the couch outside with other Santos. He had to be on his third blunt by now.

"You're gonna get lung cancer." Cesar said snatching the blunt and putting it out in the ashtray.

Carlos kissed his teeth. "I'm fine—"

"No, you're not." Cesar cut him off. Oscar just stared at his brother, trying to figure out how to help him.

"Aye, Saint! You made that?" One of the Santos named Martin asked.

Carlos looked down at his shirt. "This?" He raised an eyebrow. Martin nodded. "Yeah. It was something slight." He told him.

"Nah, that shit hard. I want one." Martin said making Carlos smirk. "I gotchu." Oscar smiled at the interaction.

"Yo, me too." Someone else said.

"Ok, ok. I got y'all." Carlos laughed. "Been told you to take that shit serious, fool." Oscar pushed his shoulder.

"That's cause I like racing more." Carlos mumbled pulling another blunt from behind his ear.

"Nope." Oscar took it out his hand before lighting it. He hit it a few times before passing it to Martin.

"You owe me forty dollars now." Carlos pointed at him before standing up from the couch.

"Where you going, fool?" Oscar laughed. "To race" Carlos smirked before walking away.

Carlos walked to his car and got in. He checked the time on his phone, seeing it was 5:27.

Being that it was mid October, the sun was already setting. He started the car and took it out of park, not bothering to put his seatbelt on.

Bad Bunny began blasting through the car as he sped off.

He made it to Cam's shop in about twenty-five minutes. Cam looked away from the race he was watching, seeing Carlos' car pull in.

"Everybody shut the fuck up, Carlos just got here!" Somebody yelled making Cam laugh.

Carlos parked and got out the car. "Y'all fanned out." He laughed as he dapped up Cam.

"Where's my fave at?" Cam asked.

"Not here, fool." Carlos quickly dismissed the topic. "Unt uh, rudeness." Cam rolled his eyes. "Y'all must've had a fight."

The boy waved him off as they walked toward the crowd of people. He hadn't talked to Raquelle since the day she left. He was still upset with her for leaving, he had just felt bad for calling her a bitch.

They argued again the night she left for the Dominican Republic and decided to take a break from each other.

"Who tryna race!" Carlos yelled and everyone began cheering.

Some guy in blue stepped forward. "I wanna go."

Carlos nodded and both boys placed their money in Cam's hand. "Twenty minutes to prepare." He yelled before walking away to collect bets.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Carlos turned around and came face to face with Katrina.

His smile instantly dropped. "Hell nah." He shook his head before the girl could get a a word out. "Fuck away from me."

Carlos began walking away but Katrina followed behind him. "I heard Raquelle left. You finally ready to come back home?" She asked.

The boy scrunched up his face at this. He couldn't believe that he used to be involved with the girl. She was delusional. "On bro, I'm gonna hit this ho with a car." He mumbled to himself as he sped up his pace.

"Carlos, who are you running from?" Jordyn asked as I accidentally bumped into her. I turned around and her eyes fell on Katrina.

Jordyn kissed her teeth. "The fuck you doing here? Literally nobody likes you." She told the blonde girl.

Katrina rolled her eyes. "Jordyn, please stay your fake ass out of it."

"Fake?" Jordyn started walking towards her but Caros grabbed the back of her hoodie and pulled her back. "Her white ass might call the cops on you." The two shared a laugh making Katrina frown.

"Where's Rio? I need a blunt." Carlos walked off to find his best friend. Katrina blew his high and that irritated him.

"You got a blunt?" He asked as he walked up to Rio.

"Hmm, fool." Rio pulled the blunt from behind his ear and passed it to Carlos who thanked him.

He lit it and they passed it back and forth. "You miss Rah?" Rio asked. Carlos kissed his teeth. "I'on wanna talk about her." He muttered blowing smoke out his mouth.

"What if she don't come back?" Rio said, more to himself though. "G." Carlos looked over at Rio. "My fault." Rio apologized before hitting the blunt again.

Jordyn walked over to them. "Cam said your race is about to start." She informed Carlos.

He felt relieved, having been saved from any more questions about Raquelle. For now, he just wanted to forget she existed and have fun.

He knew she was doing the same.

While standing on the side of his car, Carlos felt a hand caressing his arm. He scrunched up his face before looking to his left. Katrina stood there with a smirk on his face. "If you win, maybe we could have some fun."

Carlos' eye twitched in irritation as he stared at her. "Get the fuck on." He pushed her back before getting in the car.

The crowd let out a synchronized 'ooh' and a few laughs. They cleared a path letting Carlos pull up to the starting line.

He let out a deep breath before revving his engine a few times.

Jordyn walked in front of the two cars with her flags. "First one to make it to 21st street and back, wins!" She yelled and he nodded, gripping the steering wheel.

"On your mark. . ." Both of her arms went up in the air with the flags flowing around due to the wind.

"Get set. . ." She smirked, sending her best friend a knowing look. Finally she swings her arms down.


A smirk made its way onto Carlos' face as he pressed down on the gas pedal.


𝐀/𝐍: little filler😋 i'm struggling so hard with raquelle's chapter because i have zero knowledge on life in the dominican republic. pls help 🙏🏾

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