Chapter 54

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My body goes weak and my lungs feel emptied of air. My legs give out from under me and I go tumbling to the floor. Marcus comes behind me in a flash, his strong arms taking hold of my waist, keeping me up just before I hit the ground.

He pulls me away from the floor beneath me and I lean against his chest "Are you sure?" Marcus asks Caden while walking me over and setting me down on his desk chair softly, I sit there and stare at Caden in shock from his words

"Im positive, Lucia just called me" Caden says "I rushed over here as fast as I could" he says

"Is she alright?" Marcus asks worried and pacing the room in front of his desk, running a large hand through his hair roughly

"Lucia's fine, she wants us to meet her at the border now" Caden's flushed face turns to me "Rose, Jade's coming in the car, I ran here, she should be here soon" he tells me and I nod numbly

Marcus stops pacing and crouches down to me "Come to the border when she gets here ok?" Marcus asks holding my cheeks in his hands looking over my face, he looks torn, he has to go but he doesn't want to leave me "I'll see you soon" he looks at Caden "where's Harry and Nate?"

"Already there" Caden says

Marcus flips out his phone and starts to call someone, I don't listen to the conversation as I feel hot tears of fear role down my face. There voices are muffled like someone put pillows over my ears.

What feels like minutes later I feel two hands come down on me and shake my body, I shake my head and look up at Marcus "will you be ok? Harry is coming now, he should be here any second" he says softy but his eyes keep traveling to the door and his anxiety rolling off of him in large waves

"Yes...go I'll be fine" I tell him putting my hands on his chest and pushing him back as I stand slowly on my uneasy wobbly legs

"Marcus we have to go" Caden says urgently

"I know" Marcus snaps, looking over his shoulder to Caden with a hard frustrated face, his head slowly turns back to me and his dark eyes soften "I'll see you soon" he leaves a long lingering kiss on my forehead and before I open my eyes I hear the slam of the door

When I open them the room is empty and eerily quiet. I look around listening to every sound. They wouldn't come here would they? Yes...they would. How many have crossed? Was it an army? Was it a few? Was it just Caine? Is the border still up?

I hear the soft sound of the front door slowly creaking open, my eyes snap to the office door and I'm frozen in my spot. My heart rate spikes and I feel my hands start to sweat. I try to move but I just can't, I just stand there, petrified and in shocked. The intruders light foot steps move closer to me, getting louder and louder with each step.

I hold my breath trying not to be heard just in case the person is not welcomed. I hear them come around the corner and I let out a relived and loud sigh when I see who it is, I run up to him throwing my arms around his neck "God Harry you scared the shit out of me" I say as his arms stay around my waist while he hugs me, very tightly, but says nothing

When I realize what I'm doing I tense up in his arms. He senses my reluctancy and drops me down "sorry" he mutters backing away but still in arms reach "are you ok? I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, I should have come straight here" he says looking over my body for injuries then looking around the house

"I'm fine but we have to get to the border" I say putting my fear behind me and trying to calm down, I bite my lip hard to keep the tears from falling

He notices but knows I don't want him to worry, we just need to get there "ok come on, Jade's outside she just got here" he tells me leading me quickly through the house

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