Chapter 36

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I groan loudly and pout my lips, my eyebrows pulled together to the worst sound ever, my alarm clock.

I throw my hand over the clock and press the button to shut it up. Opening my eyes slowly to see the bright blue lights that read 5:45, I groan again and close my eyes wanting nothing more than to go back to bed.

I pull the covers up to my chin and snuggle into them feeling extremely cold, thats when I notice two strong arms are not wrapped around me. I turn over to see my empty bed, I frown and sit up reluctantly turning on the lamp by my bed. Yellowish light floods the room, I blink rapidly a couple of times to adjust my blurry vision and I look over to the pillow. It has a note folded up on it and a red rose laying beside it.

In the most beautiful handwriting it says 'To Rose' I lift the card from the bed and sit up, lifting the fold.

'Good morning my love
I went back home earlier this morning just incase your mother came in, I'm sorry I could not stay until you were awake. I love you and I'll see you at school soon, I hope you like roses ;)
-love, Marcus'

it reads, I close it and hold it to my chest with a sleepy smile. I pick up the rose and smell the sweet scent, he's so perfect. I get out of bed and put my feet on the cold floor, my legs feel like jelly. I turn the light on and slowly throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a soft, loose stripped shirt. I put on my converse and walk into the bathroom.

Placing my hands under the water I run my wet finger through my hair to try and tame it. When I'm satisfied I wash my face and apply makeup.

Finishing up in the bathroom and walking into the kitchen I make myself some coffee and toast. After finishing I walk down the short hall to my mothers room "Bye mom" I say quietly, she gets up from her bed and walks over to me, just have woken up

"Bye honey see you tonight" she hugs me and walks back over to her closet to put her work clothes on.

I grab my bag with all my school things, my phone and keys and head to school.

I park in my parking space and wait in the parking lot. I got a text from Jade when I was driving asking for me to wait for her. I look down at my phone and it's already 7:05, she better hurry up.

Caden's truck pulls up beside me and Jade climbs out, I immediate hug her feeling like I haven't see her in forever even though its only been two days. I let go of her and look over to Caden "hey vampire boy" I chuckle, thankfully there's no students around and the ones that are arn't paying attention

"Boy? Honey I'm all man" he says, his blonde eyebrow raised along with one side of his pink lips

"I'll vouch for that" Jade winks her blue brown at me and my eyes widen

"Well ok then..." I trail off not wanting to hear her elaborate on her sexual comment

"Well I got to run, I'll see you girls later, by the way Rose glad you're feeling ok; and also glad you know about us, it was getting frustrating always having to not talk about supernatural things around you" he says ruffling his blonde curls with a charming smile

I laugh "sorry"

He shakes his head with a chuckle "by babe, I'll pick you up after school" he says, Jade jumps back in the truck and kisses him

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