Chapter 49

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I sit down and the blanket rubs up against my freshly waxed shiny legs. I fix my dress so it covers most of my exposed thigh. I look up at Marcus to find him sitting in front of me, starring at me with such a happy smile "You look absolutely breath taking" he tells me

"Thank you" I say looking around "Marcus how did you do all of this? it's gorgeous" I try to soak up all the beauty, the lanterns look like floating lights giving us just enough light to see around the forrest, the candles glow in the distance giving a clear path back to the house and in front of me sits the most beautiful thing of all...him.

"It's your birthday, if I did anything less it wouldn't have been enough" he says and leans forward kissing my lips again

"Could you please stop being so perfect" I giggle against his lips

"Only for you my love" he says and pulls back "ready for your present?" He asks

"Marcus!" I say and hitting him "you already did all of this" I motion to everything around me, I throw my arms around his neck and look into his beautiful blue eyes "plus my rose. I could never ask for anything else, being with you is the best present of all" I try to convince him, even though it's never worked before

"Too bad you get one more thing" he smirks, I slump down letting go of his neck and pout my lip. I really thought I had him this time "oh don't pout I know you'll love it" he says "close your eyes" he instructs and I do as he say

I listen as I hear him stand up and walk closer to me, my heart becomes and unsteady thud of thunder. Suddenly my hair is picked up and draped across one of my shoulders exposing my neck to his hot breath "No peaking" he says and I gulp at the sound of his husky voice

Something is placed around my neck when I go to touch it I know instantly its a necklace. I open my eyes and look down at it, hanging past my collar bone, right in the middle of my neck. It's in the shape of a tear drop, swirls of dark silver with small light purple diamonds at the ends of them. In the center is a beautiful glowing blue and green gem.

I'm speechless to say the least it's absolutely breathtaking "do you like it?" Marcus asks appearing back in front of me

"Like it? Marcus I love it" I say smiling and falling on him, I lay my head on his chest and hug him tight as his back collides with the blanket, he hoist me up so my face is level with his as I look down at him, I put my arms beside him holding me up. I look down at the pendent as it hangs down off my body the gem glowing in the candle light "it looks like my rose" I tell him and he nods placing his hands around my waist

"I glad you like it, happy birthday" he says and kisses my lips as I sit up and so does he

I breath in the fresh air and sigh happily "best birthday ever" I fall back on the blanket and look up at the stars

The sky is clear, misty clouds floating across the dark canvas as the moon light brightens the blackness. The small twinkling stars spread randomly across the dark sky "it's a beautiful night" I say closing my eyes and listening to the crickets chirping and the low hoot of owls

I hear the sound of someone snap and I open my eyes, the lanterns that had been on seconds ago are now off, bringing out the stars light even more. I prop myself up on my elbows and look over at Marcus who's looking up at the sky,one leg propped up and his arm rested on it "how did you do that?" I ask he snaps again and they, once again, turn on. when he snaps again they turn off "ah got it technology, I always seem to forget" I say feeling dumb

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