Chapter 30

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We drive for what seems like minutes but ends up being over an hour. We talk about our likes and dislikes for example he likes old music, He loves history and became a English teacher for something new, I didn't get that because he speaks as if he has been a history teacher before but that would be impossible. He hates cats but wants to get a dog, he only cares for loyal and trustworthy people, he likes playing board games, he loves to read just like me.

I finally got to learn things about him but I know I just scratched the surface. I look out the window and sigh happily, I tried to soak up all of the information that he was surprisingly willing to tell me. "Where are we?" I ask when did we get out of the city?

"Almost there" he says and squeezes my hand, I nod and listen to the quiet classical music playing on the radio

My heart rate increases when we begin to slow down and drive down a long wooded area. It'll be dark soon and the sun should be setting any minute. Marcus stops the car and I look over at him "we have a little bit of walking to do" he says with a happy but nervous smile. He gets out of the car and I follow behind, running over to his side as he slings his arm over my shoulders. We walk a while in silence as I try to figure out why we're here.

"So we drove all this way to get to a forrest?" I say looking around seeing nothing but trees, it's actually quite beautiful, the yellow sunshine leaks through the branches of the trees creating tall shadows and a warm glow around us

"Not any forrest, this one's special" he says looking ahead

"Why?" I look up at him, his strong jaw pointed at the path in front of us

He smiles and points "look for your self" I furrow my eyebrows confused and look where he's pointing

I am almost knocked off my feet by how beautiful the view is. The trees abruptly stop, leaving and open sky for me to see, the most beautiful breathtaking sunset I have seen in my entire life was lighting up the sky, pinks, reds, oranges, yellows and almost a purple color was spread out through the clouds "oh my god Marcus" I say with a gasp "this is beautiful" I look down to see a large lake reflecting the beautiful colors, wild flowers and other plants line the lake and edge of the forrest. One very large beautiful oak tree is at the very top of the lake, so tall the suns rays pour through creating a pattern on the green ground.

I inhale deeply and besides the amazing smell of Marcus I smell of sweet fresh flowers. I walk further out and walk through the tall colorful flowers, some so beautiful I didn't think they were real. I spin around and around twirling like a happy fool, it's so beautiful here how could you not be filled with joy.

I look over to Marcus and he's watching me with such adoration it would make any heart swell. He slowly makes his way over to me and grabs my hand "Marcus this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen" I gush looking around still not being able to take in the beauty

"I wish I could say the same" he says brushing a few strands of hair from behind my ears

"What could possibly be more beautiful than this" I gesture to our surroundings, confused

He smiles fondly at me and kisses my lips slowly, something I wasn't expecting, but I gladly respond. The kiss is slow and sweet leaving tingles to spread through me from head to toe and my face filled with heat "you" he responds and I laugh

"Come here I have to show you something" he leads the way over to the other side of the lake where the grand oak tree lays

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