Chapter 10

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After leaving school that day me, Jade, and Amber decide to have girls time. Even though it was hard as hell for Amber and Luke to separate we finally managed to pull them apart and insure Ambers safety to Luke while she would be with us. It's so different to see how protective he is of her.

We go eat at this cute restaurant on the other side of town. The food was amazing but it was even better laughing my ass off with my friends. I feel like I haven't been able to hang out with Amber in forever. After a late lunch we all go hang out at Jades house. Her mom is so sweet, she's like a second mother to me. Jade never knew her dad, he left when she was really young so it's been her, her mom, and sweet old grandma for practicality her whole life. Her mom and grandmother are a little earthy and colorful, like Jade, but there's no doubt Jade gets her beauty from her mother. The same dark hair, faire flawless skin, and bright blue and brown eyes.

We hung out for a while chatting about different things, Amber told us more about Luke and her relationship and all the things he has done for her. I can't help but be jealous. Even Jade said she was jealous and that's a big step for her.

We watched horror movies, which I hated. I doubted I'd sleep soundly that night. At around 5:45 I drove Amber home to her huge house. At least thirty guys were outside there mansion hitting and messing with each order playfully. She said goodbye as I sat in awe still staring at the house.

I parked my car outside the tiny garage next to my moms and walked in the house "mom?" I called out wandering if she was home yet, after a minute I yelled again. With a questionable look on my face I walked into her room and she wasn't there, then I hurriedly walked into my room wandering if she was cleaning or something else but again nothing. Where the hell is she, my dream comes back to me and I start to panic, my breathing becomes uneven. What if he came back. What if he took her? What if he kidnapped her? Where the hell is she! I run franticly all through the house until I get to the kitchen to find her asleep, her head laid down against the table. I let out a long breath out of relief and trying to get my frantic heart rate back to normal. I walk over to her and look at what she fell asleep on, and it's tons of over due bills spread across the table. I gasp and pick up a few papers, all saying 'over due' in big bold red letters and have well over a thousand dollars on them. Oh my could my mom not tell me about all of this? This is bad, this is really bad, and I just added on to all these bills with the stupid hospital incident.

My mom stirs in her sleep waking her up, she raises her tired head slowly and opens her eyes, when our eyes lock she looks surprised and jumps.

"Oh honey! What time is it?" She asks looking around

I look down at my phone "6:15"

"Oh gosh" she says trying to clean up all the bills, like I haven't already seen them.

"Mom..." I say like a mother would scorn a child

She stops her attempt to clean them up but she doesn't look up from the scattered papers and makes no attempt to make eye contact with me. "mom why didn't you tell me" I say letting out a frustrated sigh, feeling a headache already starting to pound against my brain.

"Im sorry, I didn't want to worry you" she says looking ashamed

"How much are we in debt" I ask quietly

She winces letting out a tired breath "Well with the hospital, house rent, electricity, and others..... around $20,000" she says making me almost fall over from shock

"How many months have you missed rent?" I ask astonished

"Three, they are trying to evict us" she says ashamed

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