Chapter 3 : Mr.Cute Police Mask

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Sorry for the grammatical errors, it's my first time to write this kind of fan fiction, I don't know if it is right or not.


Your feedback/s could help me to improve my Writing Skills....Hahahaha

Sorry again for the grammatical errors.........

Krist walked towards the elevator,he was a little surprise when he pressed the elevator button to open it, someone presses it at the same time.

"I'm sorry......." The man said after pressed the button.

"It's okay."  Krist looked at him and stop because of the person he just saw by now is the  person he was waiting for at the Heaven's Bar and this is also the person he fought and fought with when that night.

"Khun?........." The man asked Krist because of his manner, he's very stunned by the person in front of him.It's Singto. "Khun? Are you okay?".  Krist's enthusiasm finally awake.Krist did not answer and the same time the elevator is open.Krist and Singto walk at the same time inside the elevator.Krist is still quiet and calm even his inner is wanted to beat the guy beside him.Arthit can't take anymore and look the guy beside him.Singti looked at Krist too.

"Khun,is there anything wrong? Or wanted to say?". Singto asked maybe he just noticed how Arthit act.

"You look so familiar,did we met before?". Krist asked happily even he's burning out.

"I don't think so.If we happens bumped at each other,I don't think so I can recognize you." Kongpob says and look away.Singto leak his lips,maybe it's dry.Krist saw this and remember the kiss incident,although it's just happened with the mask.

"Shia!". Krist whined.Singto look at him.

"Khun,are you cursing me?". Singto asked.Krist just avoid the guy beside him.Finally,the elevator stop and open.Krist is hurry to get out in the elevator,he didn't notice that the knot of one of his shoes was untied, because of that he tripped and out of balance. Fortunately,Singto immediately pull his arm. "Watch your step!". Singto said but Krist didn't say anything,he just continues to be shocked.But why he's in shocked mode? Because Singto help him? Or feel something? "Khun?". Krist take his self again and fix his self.

"Hands off!". Arthit said rudely and about to leave but Singto stop him.



"Your shoes strip." Singto said and kneel down to fix Krist's shoes.While fixing it,Krist just looked at guy who is kneeling down and fixing his own shoes. "Don't forget to fix it,you might tripped again." Singto said and stood up. "Take care." He smile and leave Krist.

"This bastard!". Krist said while in shocked and in shy manner.Because of what happened, Krist forgot that the elevator was about to close again. "Shia! I almost forgot." Krist blocked the elevator using his hand and leave the elevator.

Krist is sitting on the waiting area of the hospital because New told him to wait and stay.New still doing his duty as a doctor and he takes care of a lot, so he can't meet Krist right away.Krist fully understand New because the truth is,he doesn't really feel bad, he's just making excuses. Later on,New came and approached Krist.New calls Krist's name a hundred times but Krist doesn't move and just remains numb and paralyzed.

"Krist? Krist?". New called and tapped him on the shoulder. "Krist?!"

"Um, Are you done?".Krist asked after he wake up from his not so good memories.

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