You're alive?

41 7 13

"I've been searching for so long."

Gill locked eyes with the towering stranger. He tried to control his breathing, baseball bat still in hand. The thugs who'd tried to jump him were still coming, their gaze darting between Gill and the newcomer.

"I don't know what you mean by that, but I'm a bit busy."

One of the thugs lunged for Gill, and he quickly rolled aside. Raising the bat in the next move, he swung for the man's head.

He dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Gill smirked at the other thugs, only managing to rile them up. All four charged, but Gill was ready. Years of living from city to city had taught him a thing or two. He jumped and dove, swinging his bat at whatever body part came close.

A meaty fist flew from nowhere, and Gill received a knock to the temple, flooring him. He tried to get up, but the pain in his head made him nauseous.

"Okay, that's enough." The stranger's voice came from somewhere nearby.

The air was filled with thumping and groaning. Gill tried to get up, he didn't want some stranger getting beaten up on his behalf.

Suddenly, the noises stopped.

Gill squinted down the dark alley, only to see the thugs laying motionless on the ground. The stranger was walking back to Gill, perfectly unharmed.

He kneeled down and retrieved a handkerchief from his coat.

"Are you free to talk now?"

Gill wiped the blood and stared up at his face. The angular jaw, deep set eyes, and crooked mouth all looked familiar, but he couldn't figure out why.

"Look, if you want me to do a job, you can forget it. I'm not into that life anymore."

Gill tried again to stand, but a splitting pain shot through his temple.

"Stay still. You might have a concussion."

Gill was surprised to hear concern in the stranger's voice. He hadn't heard that directed his way in a long time.

"Fine. Who are you and what do you want?"

"I don't know what job you're talking about, and I know you've had a tough life. But I'm here to change all of that."

Gill's lip curled, "I'm not going to be some arm candy for a rich prick in the city so get lost. I know where that goes."

Gill tried to crawl away, but his head wouldn't allow it.

The stranger swore repeatedly, and Gill thought he was angry at his refusal.

"Damn it! I should have gotten here sooner. I heard you'd had it bad, but this? I'm sorry, little Gilly."

Gill's whole mouth dried up, his heart began hammering in his ears, and all he could see were the family who loved him, dying again in front of his eyes.

"Wh-who are you? Why did you call me that?"

The stranger looked down at Gill, tears in his eyes.

"It's me, Ben."

Gill stared up at the now familiar face of his big brother.

"You're alive...?"

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