Trust Issues

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The dead silence of Power City emboldened Rui as he hovered over the Dresden building. The evacuation had been a success, with every citizen safely relocated.

"Sir, it's almost dawn."

Rui glanced down at the Chief of Police and then towards the horizon. The sun was certainly rising, and soon, the fight for the city would begin.

"Are the security precautions I asked for in place?" Rui asked.

"They are, Sir. But... won't your powers be enough to stop them?"

Rui smiled and touched down on the building, "Nobody is all powerful, Chief. And these villains aren't your everyday thugs. They're led by two of the strongest forces I've ever seen. If I fail, you'll need those security protections."

The Chief tried to hide his expression behind that bushy moustache, but Rui saw the concern. It was the same look the citizens had had when the first attacks occurred. Luckily, they were weaker villains to begin with, and Rui was easily able to dispose of them. But after years of attacks, word had spread that the villains were banding together and would attack the city.

Rui had verified it himself, and their leaders would be at the front of the assualt. They'd joined forces first and were the ones who'd brought the other villains together. It would be a tough fight, but Rui was ready to face them. He was the only one strong enough.

Movement in the distance caught Rui's sharp vision and brought him out of his thoughts. He zoned in and saw what he'd been waiting for. He counted eighteen figures of various sizes and powers, heading his way.

"It's time." He announced to the Chief and immediately flew out to meet them.

He didn't know if he'd survive this fight, and the only person he wanted to say goodbye to was unreachable.

Rui dove aside when a round saw blade flashed through the air towards him. He scowled at the villains and clapped his hands together, sending a rumbling kinetic wave their way. Some managed to dodge the attack, but a few were taken down, along with the building beside them. Rui couldn't think about the damage as a barrage of attacks now headed his way.

He flew around or blocked a number of them using his own powers. It was clear he was more powerful than these grunts. He crashed through falling debris and blasted a car into a villain with muscles bigger than the car itself.

She rolled across the ground and then quickly jumped to her feet. She picked up a truck with ease and threw it at Rui. He dodged, but in the same instant, a volley of ice struck him from the side. He hissed out a breath at the brief pain and thawed the ice to water with his hands. He flew up and shot kinetic blasts down upon the two villains. His attacks struck home, and they were both down for the count.

He circled and noticed the other villains advancing in one direction. He knew where they were headed, their main reason for attacking Power City in the first place. He flew ahead, attacking them from above and attempting to block their path. The fight that ensued lasted far longer than Rui had wanted. The grunts were steadily getting stronger, and the powers were becoming more unexpected.

Rui crashed to the ground when an attack hit him in the chest. It felt like the wind had been knocked right out of him. He struggled to his feet, panting and scowling at the three villains walking towards him. A woman with red hair was rubbing her hands together and sneering at him. Rui feigned a coughing fit and, at the same moment, blasted her with kinetic energy. She wasn't expecting it and was sent flying into the side of a bus.

The sound of shattering glass followed Rui as he turned to face the last two villains. These were the two he'd been most anticipating. The leaders of this attack and the strongest forces on this planet besides Rui.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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