Finder's Keeper's

30 8 14

The bullet flew past my eyes, and I felt my adrenaline spike. I raised my gun and shot several bullets back at the raider. She jumped behind a truck and it gave me an opening. I dove into the maze of shipping containers, listening for footsteps as I ran to stop the shipment. I couldn't let those precious artefacts out of the country.

I rushed around another container and instinctively ducked when a bullet pinged and ricocheted behind me. I jumped up and continued running, I had to get there before that ship left.

"Cal, what's the ETD?"

"You've got five minutes, mate. They're right on schedule." Cal spoke down the earwig in his thick Australian accent.

I cursed and crouched between two containers. I could see the ship from there and the armed guards on deck.

"Can't you stall it?" I asked.


"Hack the ship's computer, make them think they have engine trouble?

Cal scoffed down the phone, "You think I'm capable of something like that?"

"Now, Cal!"

Cal chuckled, and I heard clicking.

"It's done. You should see them panicking, right... about... now."

I watched, and right when he said it, the guards became fidgety and several disappeared inside. This was my chance.

"Be careful, T."

Cal's words followed me as I sidled around the container. I kept low, searching for a way onto the ship. Luckily, there was a forklift nearby. It wasn't the machine I wanted, but the jacket resting on the seat.

I put it on over my dirty shirt and jeans. It was the perfect disguise. I started walking, lowering my head when I caught sight of the raider. She had two more with her now, and they were busy searching the containers for me.

I walked up the gangway without arousing suspicion. The guards were hissing about not meeting their deadline. I steered clear and headed deeper into the ship.

"Cal, do you have anything?"

"The crate should be in the cargo hold. Three decks down on to the bowels of the old girl."

I rolled my eyes, "You need to brush up on your terminology."

"The great T, relic hunter extraordinaire is telling me about out of date terminology?"

"I use terminology appropriate to its time."

"Whatever, just get going if you want to be there when the sub arrives."

I followed his intel, dodging anyone who might question my reason for being there.

When I arrived in the cargo hold, I took out my scanner. It took some time but I checked every box and crate and none had what I wanted.

"Cal, it's not here."

Crackling followed.

"Tkk... taken... office... drrk."

"Cal?" I whispered.

More crackling. This part of the ship must have a jammer. I was on my own.

I searched for somewhere that might be an office. There was a door on the opposite side of the hold. I sprinted over and carefully pressed the scanner against it. There was nobody inside. 

It was a simple key lock, and I reached for my lock picking kit. I'd expected high-grade systems on something so valuable. These guys were too cocky for their own good.

I entered the dingy room and spotted a large crate, the lid half open. I leaned over to look inside and saw them. The precious heirlooms that should have been in their homeland, not sold to the highest bidder.

I grabbed my bag and gently packed them one by one, and hefted my bag. I closed the office door and suddenly voices erupted from nearby. I ducked behind a crate and waited with baited breath.

"I want this ship on the move!" There was a pause, "I don't care what the captain says. Tell him to get going or I'll shoot him in the head and find someone else."

I wove through the crates, away from the voices and to the end of the ship. There was a hatch where submarines could attach themselves. I scanned the water below and there it was.

I leaned down to open the hatch as quietly as possible.

A blonde head popped through and Cal grinned at me.

"You got them."

I smirked and passed him the bag. "Of course I did."

Cal was about to make a snarky response when shouting interrupted him.

"My damn artefacts! Kill them!"

Raiders were suddenly rushing their way, guns at the ready.


I shoved Cal down and dove headfirst into the sub just as the shots sounded. I crashed to the bottom but Cal was quick to close it up. He rushed to the controls while I turned myself upright.

I rubbed my sore body and grinned at the bag by my feet.

"Let's get these babies home."

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