Set Me Free

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The sound of hooves pounding against the dirt enforced the feeling of desperation in my chest. I shot a glance over my shoulder and saw the knights.

"Faster, Do-hyun. They're gaining on us."

The panic in my voice must have worried Do-hyun because he squeezed my hand.

"If we can reach Borain forest, we should be able to lose them. And then it's just a short ride until we arrive in Goran, Your Highness."

I rolled my eyes, "Didn't I ask you to stop calling me that?"

I felt his chuckle rock my chest.

"It's a difficult habit to break, I apologise, Orin."

I smiled and laid my head against his back, willing our horse to run faster. We'd fled across the kingdom and were almost at the border and out of reach of my treacherous mother. If we could get through the forest and marshlands, I could take refuge in the next kingdom. I would be free.

The knights were growing closer, but I couldn't let them take me back, I wouldn't.

"Almost there," I whispered.

We rode over a hillock when suddenly, our house bucked and almost threw us off. Do-hyun was trained well, however, and he managed to stabilise the horse.

"Whoa, whoa there." He spoke softly.

I stared at our surroundings when something suddenly flew by my ear. I stared at the ground where the small purple object had landed, and I would have laughed if it weren't for the situation.

"They're firing equiberries to deter the horse." I cursed loudly.

Do-hyun jumped down and reached up for me.

"We should go on foot from here."

I nodded and leapt down to him. He took my hand and we ran for the forest. The sounds of hooves were drumming to the beat of my heart. I forced my legs to run faster. I had been training since I was a boy, to be the perfect soldier, and only now was it actually worth something.

"Your Highness, please stop this! Return with us!"

I suddenly heard Sir Vik's booming voice. He had been a constant presence in my life and a father figure after my own father had passed. I couldn't believe my mother had sent him. I couldn't be sure what she'd told him, and though he might be on my side, I couldn't risk it.

Do-hyun was watching me carefully and squeezed my hand. I felt his encouragement spur me on, and a moment later, we were swallowed by Borain forest. We didn't slow our steps until the forest grew more dense, indicating we'd reached the centre. We navigated the thick tree roots and large, misshapen boulders, both listening for the sounds of our pursuers.

"Are you alright?" Do-hyun asked when I sighed.

"Not really, I've had one hell of a week."

Do-hyun squeezed my hand again, this time pulling me close.

"Once we get to Goran, I'll show you how much better life can be."

I snorted, "You've been saying that for two years. I'm starting to wonder if Goran even has anything to offer."

We both knew I was bluffing. Goran was known for its beautiful landscapes, bustling economy, and above all, its progressive attitude.

"I've been trying every day for the last two years, but you always rejected my offer."

I smiled sadly, flicking a strand of dark hair from his eyes.

"I had a kingdom to help run... which isn't a problem anymore."

Do-hyun pulled me in for a hug, "That's alright, you can be the ruler in my kingdom."

I chuckled and pulled away. "Come on."

Night fell before we finally reached the other side of the forest. The stars twinkled, and a cool chill rested over the marshes while we walked. We dipped into our food supply but never stopped walking.

"We'll reach Goran by day break." Do-hyun informed me.

We chose not to take any breaks, and my legs felt like lead by the time we saw the end of the marsh. Thanks to the first rays of sunlight, I was able to see the field of mesmerising wildflowers that stretched out ahead of us.

"We're here," Do-hyun announced, and his laughter made my heart soar.

Despite the pains in my legs, I started to run, and I didn't stop until I felt the flowers brush against my hands. I collapsed into them, staring appreciatively at the sky that somehow felt different now. Do-hyun lay next to me, panting and laughing.

"We made it," I breathed.

Do-hyun leaned on his elbow and rested a hand on my chest.

"Are you ready to see your new home?"

I was about to answer when a noise nearby made my blood run cold. The clank of armoured footsteps sounded from around us.

I bolted to my feet and saw the knights surrounding us. I'd let my guard down too soon.

Sir Vik came forward, and Do-hyun immediately stood between us.

"Your Highness, please stop this foolishness and return to Loranis."

I raised my brow, speaking from around Do-hyun's arm.

"Foolishness? You think it right that I should be forced to marry a stranger? That I be deemed an abomination by my own mother?"

Sir Vik looked confused. "What? No, your mother is worried about you."

I scoffed, "No, she's worried about my 'little secret' ruining her trade agreement."

Sir Vik frowned, "She knows?"

"Yes, and now she hates me and wants to marry me off to the Princess of Hyrin. Who is a mere child. But she finds that more tolerable than who I really am."

"So that's why I wasn't privy to the meetings."

"I assume so, now you see why I won't be going back."

Sir Vik rubbed his sweaty forehead.

"Let's talk about this back in Loranis. You shouldn't have to give up your life."

I was about to respond when Do-hyun took a step towards Sir Vik.

"He doesn't want to go back, and you won't be taking him, not unless you'd like to incite a war with Goran."

Sir Vik stared in confusion, "Lord Do-hyun, as the son of a noble, even you do not have that much power."

I failed to hide my smile. Reaching up, I rested my hands on Do-hyun's shoulders and leaned over. 

"Sir Vik, please allow me to introduce you properly. This is Prince Do-hyun, heir to the throne of Goran and... my real fiancé."

Sir Vik stared hard at the two of us, while Do-hyun placed one hand over mine and another on the sword at his waist.

Silence followed my words until Sir Vik let out a bark.

"You certainly know how to make your own way in life. I'm sorry it came to this, but I'm glad you can finally be yourself. I'll report your circumstances to your mother."

He bowed to me, then Do-hyun and retreated back over the border.

"Don't forget my invitation!" Vik suddenly turned and shouted.

"To what?" I mumbled, watching them leave.

Do-hyun hugged me from behind and laughed in my ear, "To our wedding, of course."

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