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🎶 Wherever you are by 5SOS 🎶

Mew's POV

"Mew please, we can talk about this"

"No Gulf, I can't do it anymore, it hurts too much. You and I know about that and both of us also know that we have to end it."

"No Mewwie please, we can make this work."

"Kana, I'm so sorry but we can't do that anymore. I'm tired of pretending that we never have to end this, although deep down both of us know that we have to say goodbye. It's the best we can do."

"Why didn't you tell me that you are leaving?" He asked brokenly.

"I know that it would make this even harder, so I keep it to myself."

"But Mew, you know how much I love you, don't you? Then why are you still leaving?"

"That's the reason Gulf, I'm too deep in love with you until I can stand here as in right now and right here but I can't handle the pain anymore. I thought it would be best for us."

"Mewwie please,"

"I'm sorry Gulf, I need to go."

"Can I... Can I at least give you the ride?" He asked whispering quietly. I nodded my head hesitantly and grab his hand leading him to the door.
The ride was really quiet but it's not like I'm complaining. I don't want to hear how broken he is by my decision and I don't want him to know that this is also hard for me.

"We're... We're here." He said quietly. He opened the door and took out my luggage while I stood behind him. He gave the luggage to me and I carried one of them while he carried the other one.

"Do you want some coffee, Gulf?" I asked the broken boy. He just shrugged his shoulder saying nothing and kept walking beside me. I led us to the coffee shop and bought him his favourite drink.

"Here you go," I said handing him the cup. He took it shakily and mumbled a very quiet 'thanks'. We took a seat at the booth and drink our drinks with no words.

Suddenly, the flight attendance called breaking the silence between us. I sighed heavily and stood up grabbing my entire luggage.

"I think this is all."

"Y-yeah I think so"

"Alright... um, I gotta go," I said and started to walk away when he said nothing, he didn't even stand up. Maybe this really was the end.

I smiled bitterly at him, not even minding the fact that he wasn’t even sparing me a glance whatsoever. I took both luggages with me and start to walk away. My mind was a chaotic mess, I was damn sure this is the best decision for the both of us but now that the time comes, it feels so damn heavy to leave him with all of our precious memories behind.
I was way too deep in my thought that I didn’t realise heavy footsteps stomping behind me, not until he screamed out my name.

"Mew! Mew, wait!" He screamed my name loudly behind me. I turned around and look at the crying boy running towards my way only to be hugged tightly as soon as his body colides with mine, sobbing his heart out in my arms.

"Mewwie I'm so sorry, I truly am. I love you so much, please don't leave me."

"Shhh, Kana... I know you love me and you know that I love you too, but I'm sorry I can't stay anymore. But maybe we'll see each other again someday? If we're meant to be, we'll be together again, I'll meet you there. Just keep looking forwards to that day and it might happen." I said trying to calm him down.

"Mewwie please, we can fix it together, I'm so sorry."

"No Gulf, we can't keep doing this. What about we just stay as a friend?"

"You promise?"

"Yeah, I promise."

"Can I get my last kiss?" He said pulling away from my embrace. I smiled sadly at him before leaning in, my hands still on his waist. I closed our gap and moulded his lips slowly.

We kept it slow and full of our emotions. He opened his mouth a little before letting me slip in my tongue. I'm gonna miss his taste, the way his lips feels against mine, the way our lips move in sync, and the way our tongue feels against each other. I'm gonna miss him, but I know this is the best for us.
We pulled away after the flight attendant called me again for the third time, and locked my eyes with him. I hugged him again and kissed the top of his head rapidly.

"I gotta go, but remember that I will always love you no matter what."

"I love you Mewwie, always have and always will. Please be safe and never forget me."

"I will, and I've promised you aren't I?" I asked and he nodded in my embrace.

"I'll see you soon, Gulf," I said pulling away and giving him a small peck then grabbing both of my luggage. He gave me a sad smile but nonetheless still showed his lovely smile.

I waved my hands at him which he returned before walking backwards. I saw the tears running down his rosy cheeks while he keeps waving at me. This decision is the hardest I've made, but it's for both of us, although deep down I know it'll break our hearts even more.
I needed to take a left turn and when I did, he was gone from my sight.

"Enjoy the flight," the flight attendant said. I forced a small smile and she replied with a warm one. I walked to my seat and internally thanked god when I notice the seat next to me is empty. The flight attendant told us to put the seatbelt on and I did. And when they finally close the plane door, I could barely hold it all inside.

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