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You guys are about to hate me even more

🎶 Amnesia by 5SOS🎶

Gulf's POV

A choked sob leave my mouth as soon as the words came from her mouth. I let the phone fall from my grasp, crying my eyes out at all the regrets.

If I just accept it, he wouldn't be in this situation. If I agree with him and given us a chance instead of chickening out, he wouldn't leave this house.

"Khun Gulf kha? Are you still there?" The faint voice asked. I clicked the speaker button, trying to hold back my sob.

"Ye... yeah, I'm still here"

"We're hoping for your arrival soon, you're the only one in his emergency contact."

"I- I'll be there. Gimme 10 minutes"

"Alright, I'm sorry about the incident, Khun"

"It's o- okay... Thank you..."

It wasn't okay and it will never be okay. It's all my fault.
If I wasn't such a fucked up this would never happen. Why should I be such a fucked up?

I pushed myself off of the floor, dragging my feet up the stairs to grab my keys and wallet. I feel like a walking dead, for real this time. Knowing Mew would be in such critical condition and it's all because of me, just guilt me even more, adding another reason as to why I'm such a fucked up. The regrets, the guilts, they're there.

I drove the car as fast as my teary eyes could manage, passing the speed limit and breaking the red lights. The police can kiss my ass if they want, I care about nothing but Mew and only Mew right now.

I parked in randomly once I arrived, quickly rushing into the hospital and asking for him.

"He's currently in the surgery room. You can wait in the waiting room" The same female voice said. She gave me a sympathetic smile, pitying me in silence. I don't need pity. I need Mew to be all fine.

I sat on the uncomfortable chair, hoping and praying that he'll make it just fine. Hours passed and I grew even more jittery. The feeling in the pit of my stomach got worsened, giving me a nauseous feeling. I feel like I could throw up and break down at any second, but I knew I couldn't. I have to be strong, for Mew's sake and my sanity's sake. But if the doctor doesn't come up for the next two hours or so, I know I'll lose my shit.

My knees kept bouncing up and down impatiently while I bit on my chipped nails. Someone suddenly put a water bottle on my lap, making me quickly look up. She smiled at me before leaving me all alone again. I opened the lid shakily, drinking the fresh water from the bottle. I didn't realise I need water to hydrate myself until that fresh thing hit my throat. I sighed in bliss, putting the cap back on and letting it rest beside me, continuing to bite on my nails and bouncing my knees up and down. 

The door suddenly flew open, revealing a very tired-looking doctor.

"Family for Mew Suppasit?"

"I'm his boyfriend"


"Gulf, just call me Gulf"

"Right, Gulf. Come with me please" The doctor said. I trailed behind him to (I assumed) his room silently, fidgeting with my shaky fingers.

"Take a seat, Gulf"

"How's he? Is he alright? Did he make it?" The doctor gave me a reassuring smile, nodding his head encouragingly.

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