31. Triplets

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4 months later:

(Just so you know, this is how big your belly is now, but you aren't wearing this)

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(Just so you know, this is how big your belly is now, but you aren't wearing this)

"Babe wake up, your going to be late for your ultrasound" chris says as he shakes me awake

"Ugh, why did we schedule it so early in the morning?" I say as I sit up

"Y/n its 11:27, and its at 12:30" chris says

"What?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" I say as I get out of bed and go into mine and Chris's bathroom

"Well I couldn't wake you up because the farther your getting into your pregnancy the harder it is to wake you up, yesterday I thought you were dead" chris says as he follows me to the bathroom

I close the door in his face and proceed to get ready for the day

"Come on y/n I need to go pee" chris says on the other side of the door

"Just go in matts bathroom" I say while I get my toothbrush

"But hes in there" chris says

"Then go to nicks" I say

"Hes also in there" chris says

"Did you check?" I ask

"No, but I can see the door is closed and the light is on, and nicks sink is running" chris says

"What about the guest?" I ask

"Remember nick broke the toilet?" Chris says

"Alright fine I guess you can come in" I say as I chuckle to myself thinking that I made him wait and have a whole conversation with me before he went to the bathroom

I open the door and Chris comes in, while I proceed to brush my teeth

When Chris gets done he turns around and hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek and then rests his head on my shoulder 

"you ready to go see our baby?" Chris asks and then softly holds and rubs my stomach

"Yes" I say and then giggle 

"Why are you guys in the bathroom together? ....weird" we hear matt say as he walks down the hallway

"Oh my god shut up, we aren't doing anything we're just talking" chris says loudly enough for Matt to hear

"Cant you guys just talk in your guys room" matt says

"No!" Chris says

Then we don't hear matt say anything back so we just leave it 

About 20 minutes later:

"Guys we need to leave now, it takes like 20 to 25 minutes to get to the hospital and it takes you guys ten minutes to just get in the car" matt yells from the front door

"Alright alright we're ready!" Chris says as we both come down the stairs and meet Matt at the front door and we put on our shoes

"nick hurry up!" Chris shouts

"Im coming im coming!" Nick says as he runs down the stairs and heads towards us

Once we are all ready we then head to the car and Matt drives us to the hospital

We get out of the car and matt and nick cant come since they are not related to me, but chris can since we are engaged, we get in a room and wait for the doctor

When the doctor comes in

"Ms y/l/n?" The doctor asks me

"Yes" I say

"Were you in a coma with a concussion about 4-5 months ago?" He asks me

"Yea" I say

"Hmm, thats why you looked familiar, and then your her fiance..right?" The doctor says and then points to Chris

"Yep" chris says smiling

"Ok anyways y/n take a seat and lay back up here"the doctor says as he walks over to the hospital bed

As I walk over it gives me back flashbacks to when I woke from the coma

I take a deep breath before I get on, then I sit down on the bed and bring up my legs and rest them down and lay back on the bed

" lift your shirt please" he says

I then lift my shirt up over my stomach

He then puts on gloves and then gets out a bottle and puts some of the gel on his hand and rubs it onto my belly

He then gets his wand thingy and puts it on my belly  and rubs it around a little while looking at the machine

"Do you guys know how many babies your having?" The doctor asks us

"What??" Chris says

"What do you mean?? Theres more then one?" I ask as i sit up a little bit and look at the machine and chris stands up and walks over to also look

"how many are there chris?" I ask him since I can't see the machine that good

Chris is just completely shocked, chris then looks at me and says

"im gonna be a dad.....three times.....damn I feel old for saying that" chris says as he faces me

"Triplets?! Im pregnant with triplets!" I say 

Chris then comes over to my face and kisses my forehead



Hope you guys liked this one!

Im going camping today, the next time ill update this story is when I get back which is in 4 days

Love yalls!

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