23. Ambulance

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While Chris was chasing me around the house I had ran upstairs and ran throughout chris's, and nicks room, and then circled back around and started running back down the stairs but as I got to the first step I looked behind me to see how close Chris was and since im wearing socks it makes the floor slippery, I went to take the first step but only half my foot went on it and the other half was hanging off of it and since I had put all of my weight on the front of my foot which wasnt on the step I had slipped and went tumbling down the staircase, I got stabbed in the side hard with a stair, and my toes, and left foot were in the most pain while falling down the stairs, I think I broke it, the last thing I remember seeing was Chris's worried face coming down the stairs after me yelling for nick and matt, then bam, my head hit the wall, hard, and I blacked out.

Chris's Pov:

I had been chasing y/N around the house jokingly wanting a kiss after I had accidentally eaten a bug, I chased her upstairs and then when she went to go back downstairs she slipped and went tumbling down the stairs and I heard a loud bang against the wall as I was rushing down the stairs after her yelling for nick and matt 

We all three get to her at the same time, I am next to her head, nick is next to her waist and matt is next to her legs, I am on the opposite side of her body than them

"Y/n,..y/n!! Wake up!" I say as I slightly shake her, and then tap the side of her face with my hand

"Somebody call 911!!" I say and look at nick and matt, matt quickly gets up and runs to his phone

"Uh hi..my name is Matt sturniolo, my friend just fell down a flight of stairs and she is unconscious...... Yes my brothers are also here....she hit her head....my address is ###########.....ok...thank you" we hear matt say, talking to the police over the phone

About 10 minutes later:

We had moved y/N to the couch so it was more of a softer surface.she was on, the police get here, matt jumps up and runs to the door and opens it

"Where is she?" The Paramedic asks matt, and matt guides them to the living room

A paramedic kneels next to y/n 

"Whats her name?" The paramedic asks getting out a Stethoscope and putting it up to her chest making sure she has a heart beat

"Y/n, y/n y/m/n y/l/n" i say worriedly behind the paramedic

"Y/n? Y/n can you hear me?" The paramedic asks the unconscious y/n on the couch while getting out a flashlight and opening her eyelids and shining the light in her eyes

"We need a stretcher!" The paramedic holders to the others

then more people come in holding a stretcher for y/n to go on

I then get really worried and wonder what have I done?

Y/n then gets put onto a stretcher and put into the back of an ambulance 

The whole time this is going on I am just zoning out and full of worry thinking about what might happen to y/n

"Do one of you boys want to ride to the emergency room with her?" The paramedic asks

"Yes I would please" I say immediately

"Ok come on, you two will have to meet us there" the paramedic tells matt and nick

I then leave Matt and nick and follow the paramedic to the ambulance and get in the back with her and y/n

I hold y/n's hand while the paramedic does everything she needs to

We then get to hospital and they tell me to go to the waiting room and that she will be in a room

I then pace around the waiting room anxious and stressed rubbing the back of my neck and taking deep quick breaths

Then matt and nick get there

"Where is she?" Matt and nick ask me running up to me

"Shes in a room" I say as I put down my hands

"What do you mean shes in a room?" Nick asks rushingly

"I don't know! All they said was that she is in a room!" I say loudly

"Can you guys please sit down and be quiet?" A Receptionist asks us

"Uh yea sure" matt says and drags us over to seats and we all sit down and nick pulls his chair in front of me so he is facing me and Matt, and we All three talk about y/n

"Are you here waiting for y/n y/l/n?" A nurse comes over and asks us

"Yes we all are" I say looking up at her

"Only one person can come in as of right now, are you guys family?" The nurse asks us

"Im her fiance, and their my brothers" I tell the nurse

"Ok and what is your name?" She asks me

"Christopher Owen Sturniolo" I tell her

"Alright follow me" she says and starts walking away and I quickly follow her and look back at matt and nick and they just nod at me and I nod back

We get to y/n's room, I walk in and see.....



I hope you guys liked this one!

Sorry for the cliff hanger!

Ill try to get the next one in asap

Love yalls!!!

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