8. Truth Or Dare

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Nick suggests that we should play truth or dare and we all agree and start playing

"Alright who goes first?" Nick asks us while we all go down on to the ground and sit in a circle, chris is on my left and nick is on my right while Matt is sitting in front of me.

About 10 minutes into the game:

"Truth or dare........chris" matt says

"Truth" chris says

"Is it true that your gay?" Matt asks Chris grinning him

"what?! No!" chris says with a confused face and throwing his hands in the air

"ok ok" matt says

"Nick truth or dare" chris says

"Dare!" Nick says

"I dare you to call your crush and tell him your like him!" Chris said rubbing his hands together like a villain in a movie

"What???? Nooo" nick says

"He dared you" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Fineeee" nick says as he pulls out his phone and pulls up my friend that moved a about a year after I did but ended up moving about 25 minutes away from me so I went to school with me and we just kinda stuck together in the new school. His name is Dylan Ray.

Once I see the contact name on his phone im in complete shock

"What?! I didn't know that you like Dylan!" I say completely unexpecting it thinking he was gonna try and call a celebrity or something

"Yep.....for about 5 years now" nick says looking at me

"Damn that's a long time," then I started to trail off and say what was on my mind..I do that sometimes "the longest I've ever had a crush on someone was about 7 or 8 months I think and he was-" I cut myself off realizing I had said that out loud and slapping my hand over my mouth.....shit....they were all three looking at me interested in what I was going to say.

"Well? Who was it?" Matt says resting his hands in his palms looking up at me like hes a 5 year old and im reading him a story

"Uh...no one!" I say nervously

"Sureeeee...didnt sound like it" chris said turning to me grinning with his eye brows raised

"Oh shut up" I say smiling back at him

Then nick presses the call.button on his phone and puts it on speaker phone and it rings and rings and rings. Then on the 5 ring Dylan picks up

"Hi nicky!" Dylan says in a happy tone and I can just tell that hes smiling through the phone then me Chris and Matt all give each other a suspicious look

"Hi dylaaaannn" nick says

"I have sometime to confess to you...." Nick says nervously

"What is it? And I also do too" Dylan says

"I.....I've had a crush on you for a long time" nick says and then resting his head in his hands

"What..?...............i...have a crush on you too nick" Dylan says shyly then me Chris and Matt all look at each other with shocked faces while I cover my mouth with my hand

"Wait what?...you do?" Nick says a little confused taking his head out of his hands

"yea for a while now.." Dylan says

"How long?" Nick says 

"A couple of years now I think, how long have you liked me?" Dylan says

"......5 years....." Nick says

"That long?!" Dylan says

"Yeaa" nick says

"Welllll....do u wanna hangout tomorrow night?" Dylan says

"Of course I do! What time?" Nick says while a huge grin spreads across his face and I wiggle my eyebrow at him and he gives a 'serious' look on his face and I giggle quietly making sure Dylan can't hear me

"Hmmm....how about 7:00" Dylan says

"Sounds good" nick says

"Ok bye bye nickyyyy" Dylan says into the phone

"Bye dylannnnn" nick says and then he hangs up and me and nick scream with excitement and hug each other

"You got yourself a date!" I say excitedly

"Yeaaaaaaa" nick says

Then we continue our game and it goes on for about an hour now it is about 10:00

"Im getting kinda tired of this game" matt says and we all agree with him

"well ima go to bed in a bit to try and get some beauty rest for my big day tomorrow and if I can't sleep ill visit Matt first instead of Chris since yall might be making out again" nick says eyeing me and chris when he says the last bit

"Shut up.dude!" Chris says while he turns his face away from us

"Well goodnight" nick says a couple of minutes later and stand up walking out of Chris's room into his and closing his door

"This time check up phone" matt says to chris winking at him while standing up

"Where are you going?" I ask

"To my room" matt says and then walks to Chris's bedroom door

"Goodnight loves birds" matt says as he turns his head looking at us one more time and then leaving Chris's room closing the door

"what do you wanna do?" Chris says turning to me 

"A sleepover!" I say excitedly jumping up and then putting my hands out And chris grabs them and i help Chris up off the floor

"Yea!!" Chris says 



Sorry to leave it at a cliff hanger I got some stuff for the next chapter

Hope you guys liked this one, sry to post late!

But I've been busy with home and school things, since a spring dance is in 4 days for me at my school and my crush might ask me to the dance!

But anyways ill post the next chapter within 3 or 4 days! Love yalls!!!!

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