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(TW of Torture and blood and all that shit, enjoy!...  Not too much tho because well.. Sadistic much?)

A blond girl was jumping around clapping her hands in excitement. "I was so good out there! I never knew I was such a good actress!" She squeals looking at her friends in excitement. "And the way the copy of Giran pretended to use his quirk on him was perfect!" She continues making two of the squad, one being a scared man with black hair and the other was a reptile looking man, get annoyed. The other members just let them be as they stared at the captive boy.

Izuku was looking around and it looked like an abandoned bar and he was tied to a chair with a tick rope that was impossible to break. 

The blonde girl who's hair was put up in two messy buns and she was in a school uniform. If Izuku's memory was right, she was the one who was impersonating Aizawa earlier.

An other man that was wearing a full costume, covering him from head to toe, was also there tho, Izuku couldn't tell his age. He could only guess he was probably a middle aged man because of his voice. He was celebrating with the blond girl.

A young adult with black spiky hair that was covered in purplish scares and was wearing some sort of black leather jacket that could easily be mistaken for a robe. He was rather quiet especially compared to the two others that were celebrating.

There was a reptile looking man sitting on one of the bench that was facing a mist man behind the bar who Izuku immediately recognized as Kurogiri from the U.S.J. Incident. Finally was a man with a mask with a weird design, it was the one who had captured Izuku in a marble earlier.

Izuku recognized the place, it was the exact same room as in his dream (Or whatever it was), which meant the man who claimed being his biological father and Shigaraki were most likely there. Izuku stayed silent, he hadn't said a word since his arrival.

He should have noticed something was off with Aizawa earlier, but he was so caught up in his anger that he wasn't paying as much attention then he should have.. He missed an important detail. Aizawa would never ask for permission. He warns but if he would have want to leave, he would have done so without waiting.

"Izuku Midoriya is it?" The blond girl asks with a huge smile. The silence of the boy was irrelevant to her since she was just 'playing'. "Well Izuku, I'm Himiko Toga! I'm happy to meet you! I've heard so many good things about you!" She smiles excitedly making the others cringe.

Izuku was looking at her emotionless, like she wasn't even there, that he was looking at a shadow. Which wasn't a complet lie. Izuku was seeing blurry, he was hearing a constant buzzing sound. He was feeling cold as he swallowed a metallic taste. His vision was doubling and his breathing was becoming harder.
"Seriously!? I didn't take too much blood did I?" Himiko complains looking at Izuku's shirt that was slowly getting drowned in blood. Izuku looked down and that's when he realized the sharp pain in the abdomen like... Like he just got stabbed.

"Toga, you have a job remember? Go get Katsuki Bakugo. Maybe it'll motivate this idiot of joining us." A blue haired boy orders after entering the room and putting an accent on the Katsuki's last name.

Izuku wasn't questioning it much until he heard a voice in his head. 'Bakugo. If he's half as smart as I think, he'll know it isn't you if she calls him by his last name.' Izuku thought he was going crazy until he met Shigaraki's eyes.
"LEAVE BAKUGO OUT OF THIS!" The greenette yells taking them aback until they smirked seeing they had a good bait.
"Who calls their childhood friend by their last name!?" Toga asks mockingly.
"Please leave Bakugo out of this.." His last name felt so foreign to say to Izuku.
"Then join us and no one will get hurt." Shigaraki says and Izuku's vision goes blurry once again. 'Whatever you do, don't join us' It was the same voice again Izuku was confused, he didn't understand, but he couldn't show it since this was the only lead to help he had, so he couldn't risk it being known.
"I won't join any of you." Izuku says harshly.

Toga claps her hand in excitement. "Okay then! Let's go have some fun! I have to get prepared!" She skips away giggling soon followed by the others. Kurogiri and Shigaraki were the only left in the room with the freckled teen.

"Master will want to speak with you." Shigaraki says his voice raspy and low, Izuku noticed he was aggressively scratching his neck.
"Why does he want me so badly?" Izuku finally asks.
"Shut up, I don't want to hear you!" Shigaraki spats at him making Izuku confused, he was nice a few seconds before, why the sudden change?
'Whatever you do, no one can know that you can hear me. So listen closely.'
Izuku looks down, he was feeling weaker by the second and his wound wasn't showing any sign of healing. 'I'm not a good guy, you are, I'm still going to do anything in my power to destroy the heroes so don't think I'm a nice guy. But you are my half brother. I won't allow you to have the same faith as me, so for now, play along. Heroes will come rescue you sooner or later, the hideout blocks any communication with the outside world which is why your tracker isn't working.' He explains to the boy who was becoming more and more nervous. He wasn't sure if he could trust his said half brother but right now, it was his best option. 'The blond bimbo will-' he couldn't finish before a tall man entered the room, he was wearing a mask covering his entire face, the only skin shown was his hands and he was wearing a tuxedo.

"Izuku my son! We meet at last!" He says in an oddly cheerful tone, scratch that, it was sadistic, it was the voice of a maniac. He got closer to the boy and analyzed him up and down. "You look exactly like your mother." He growls taking Izuku's hair forcing him to look at him. "I should have killed that bitch a long time ago, maybe you wouldn't be going on the path of those idiotic heroes if I did." He thinks out loud, it infuriated Izuku as he spat at him. Big mistake that he realized once the man put his finger inside the still open wound making the teen let out a bloodcurdling scream. The man could feel the organs of his 'son' as he aggressively took his finger out after stretching the wound open. Izuku coughed out blood as the man laughed cold heartedly in his face. "Patch him up, we don't want him dead just yet." The 'boss' orders to Tomura who nodded. Izuku didn't want to faint but sadly he couldn't fight it anymore when everything went black.


It had been almost two days that there were no signs of Izuku. Katsuki had to be locked in his dorm until he swore not to go after him. He didn't come out, not even for class, the classmates were also all affected by Izuku's disappearance. Kirishima could only try to cheer up his best friend but it kept coming out unsuccessful.

Katsuki stayed quiet as he stared at every message he had sent that were left unopened by his missing boyfriend. 

They could see where the tracker last was available but it wasn't precise enough so they didn't have more than the sector, it was in the red district, the only place where little amount of pros do any sort of patrolling.

Aizawa was there at the moment along with other pros who don't stand out too much since the last thing they wanted was to attract unwanted attention. They had followed camera footage and they saw that Izuku was following 'Aizawa' until they met up with a masked man who made Izuku disappear in a single touch. He hadn't even had the chance to fight back, the boy was so lost in thought that he was unaware of his surroundings.

Now here they were following any traces left until they found an unconscious body, they immediately recognized the green hair and the signature red sneakers. Aizawa had ran to take the boy and rushed for paramedics. Aizawa immediately called Yamada telling him that they found their son, tho Aizawa couldn't shake off the bad feeling he had. Like it was too easy.

What he failed to notice was the proud smirk that appeared on the face of the viridian boy. Everything was going according to plan. She told herself as she was transferred on a stretcher.

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