- 𝟹𝟿 -

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About two weeks passed since the sports festival and a new villain had caught every heroes attention. People even started fearing his presence seeing that he had killed 8 pro heroes and only one escaped alive with paralysis. Tensei Iida, Ingenium and most importantly the older brother of Tenya Iida, the class representative of class 1-A.

But some people, one group in particular, didn't like that this vilain was getting so much attention. They had tried to make him join their affiliation, but to no avail, being turned down almost immediately.

Tomura Shigaraki was losing his patience, there was no progress in their plans and the voice was becoming overwhelming. His master, All For One, had been communicating with him, he didn't know how but he knew why. He was planning his escape already and even if he was trying to avoid being manipulated, it wasn't working. After all, the best manipulators still manage to succeed even if you're conscient of their intentions. But something that he was furious was none other than the sudden arrival of Izuku Midoriya's quirk. It was obvious to his 'father' that it was All Might's quirk but he didn't want to believe it. Because if Izuku had it, it meant he was the new target. He had warned him that he shouldn't get in the way but he still put himself in the front lines.

The last week had been very emotional for class 1-A. The pressure of their whole school years, their futur, was on the line. Something that could make them face expulsion.

The mid-terms exams

"I'm gonna fail, all these efforts and I'll never even be able to become a hero because I can't math properly!" Kaminari complains hitting his head against the table.

Izuku, Katsuki and Yaoyorozu had agreed to help.. well.. more like Izuku and Yaoyorozu wanted to help and Katsuki was dragged by his boyfriend.

"Don't worry Kaminari, I'm sure you'll do it, do your best and as long as you have a passing grade you'll be okay. The more you stress, the more your mind will go blank during the exam." Izuku smiles rubbing his friend's back.
"Oi! Dunce face! Stop whining or I'll be the one teaching you." Katsuki threatens and Denki instantly shuts up making the few at the table laugh.
"Don't worry, let's try again." He smiles determined at the golden haired boy.
"You have way too much faith in me Mido." He cries and Izuku smiles sadly.
"How about we call it a night? We'll work on it more tomorrow." Izuku suggests and before even getting an answer Katsuki gets up grabbing his shorter boyfriend over his shoulder.
"Wait! Kacchan I was asking him not you!" Izuku whines making a few classmates laugh.
"Don't give a living fuck." He retorts gripping on Izuku's ass with a smirk.

Izuku blushes as he looked at his classmates who were laughing and putting their stuff away.
"Bye guys.. See you tomorrow.." Izuku waves at them in defeat.

They wave goodbye as they disappear in the elevator.
"Kacchan.. You've been acting different recently.. Is everything alright?" Izuku asks unsure and the blonde shrugs.
"You're hot and I want to do more with you." Katsuki answers truthfully not able to see the beet red face of his boyfriend, considering he was over his shoulder.
"Eh- let's talk about t-that in y-your room." Izuku mumbles embarrassed at the idea of anyone overhearing it.
Katsuki doesn't answer but continued his way silently.

He opens his dorm room putting Izuku on his bed and climbing over him.
"You've been making me feel weird things inside Deku, I feel like I want more than a kiss, we haven't even made out yet.. I don't want to force you but, I really want to at least try it." Katsuki explains making sure to maintain eye contact. "So can we try? To make out?" Katsuki asks with hope.

Izuku nods in understanding before chuckling. "I guess it's an acceptable request." Izuku whispers cupping his cheeks.
"God I love you Izuku" Katsuki states kissing him gently.
"I love you too Kacchan.." He whispers wrapping his arms around his lover's neck. "Wanna do it now..?" Izuku asks unsure making Katsuki smirk.
"Fuck yes." He answers kissing him again. "And you?" Katsuki asks waiting for his consent, when he does get it, he kisses him again, with more intensity this time.

Katsuki wanted the greenette to open his mouth, he wanted to taste him more, but he didn't even know how he should ask. So he didn't. He slowly slid his hands across his hips making the other gasp and he takes that chance to slide his tongue inside. It was clumsy at first, clacking their teeth together, but they soon got the rythme and moved in sync. Katsuki kept his hands on Izuku's waist and rubbed his thumbs on his soft skin.
They soon separated for air, panting as they looked at each other with a new type of message passing through their eyes.


"Is it okay..?" Katsuki asks with a hint of worry and Izuku eagerly nodded yes. "So.. We can continue?" Izuku smiles nodding yes again. "Can I give you a hickey?" Katsuki asks embarrassed.
"Not too visible please.." Izuku giggles blushing, making Katsuki smile like a child who was just given candy. He pecks his lips moving to his jawline, down his neck and his collarbone. He wanted to make it higher, where everyone could see that Izuku was his, but he wouldn't since the greenette told him not to. He was sucking slight and nibbling his skin until at one spot, he felt Izuku tense up letting out a quiet moan. He backed to look at Izuku who was blushing like crazy.
"You moaned." Katsuki smirks proudly as Izuku blushed even more. "Fuck, and I thought seeing you blush was hot, this is an other level." Katsuki chuckles sucking harder on the spot he just discovered.
"Gna~ Kacchan, don't say things like that- it's embarrassing!" Izuku whines covering his eyes with his forearm in embarrassment unable to hide the pleasure it made him feel.
Katsuki hums in response backing away slightly admiring the reddish mark he had just left. "But it's true.." Katsuki coos kissing the small bruise. "And I don't think you even understand how hot you are. I mean, you're always adorable but sometimes, I look at you and I'm like wow he's hot-" Katsuki explains in awe and Izuku can't help but smile.

"I love you Kacchan.. So much.." Izuku whispers lovingly.
"I know, who wouldn't~?" He jokes pecking his lips earning an eye roll from the smaller male. "So count yourself lucky that Katsuki fucking Bakugo loves you too." He grins proudly making Izuku giggle as he grabbed Katsuki and made him lay down next to him.
"I guess that is a pretty impressive achievement." He says playfully as he wrapped his arms around Katsuki's chest. "I'm honoured." He giggles melting in his arms. Katsuki chuckled kissing his forehead watching him slowly doze off.

"Dork.." Katsuki scoffs silently as he took in the sweet scent of his boyfriend. " My fucking dork.."

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