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A/N : There are going to be more spoilers on information that we learn further on in the actual anime.

Izuku was zipping his vest when a certain blonde hugged him from behind.
"Don't think to highly of yourself, it's each men for themselves, I will kick your ass if I'm against you." Katsuki warns as he gave a peck on his neck. 
"Don't worry Kacchan, I'm not planning on going down that easily, if I'm against you, I'll show you what it's like to be defeated by a quirkless mastermind." Izuku retorts confidently which made the blonde, and a few others who heard the conversation, laugh.
"Hard to believe little bro! We'll beat your ass wether you like it or not!" Shinso teases ruffling his green messy hair. 
"Reminder that I'm the one who helped you all train and was able to evaluate every single ones of your weaknesses. I will not be putting that knowledge to waste." Izuku explains innocently making them freeze in realization, he knew by heart everything about every students in hero course, from the quirks to the strengths to the weaknesses.

In other words.. They were doomed.

Izuku hummed in delight as he kissed Katsuki's cheek. "No holding back!" The smaller male grinned proudly. "Oh and I better see you guys use some of the training I've done with you." Izuku warns.
"Yes sir!" Kaminari saluted along with a few other students before laughing.

Izuku tho, was staring at a certain dual coloured haired boy who he still had no information on, other then what he observed in class. He had only gotten the chance to observe him fight from a distance since in class he had to focus on his personal training. So he was the one he was the most scared of, also, he had no clue wether or not he'd be using his left side because since the beginning of the year, he hasn't seen him produce the slightest flame.
"Don't worry, I won't hold back." Todoroki states staying in his own corner of the room.

Todoroki looked emotionless, like he was back at the emotionless classmate they met at the beginning of the year.  But Izuku still gave him his brightest smile.
"Great! Then I guess we'll both be doing that!" Izuku smiles as he looked at the doors open.
"Good luck nerd." Katsuki smirks as they walk in hand in hand along their pairs.


Yamada and Aizawa were the commentators of the games, much to Aizawa's displeasure he had been dragged by his husband.

After the heart warming speech of Bakugo 'I pledge that I'll be number one and bring down any of you extras that stand in my way.' Which like you might guess created chaos among all the students, the first round of the sports festival was about to begin.

The commentators may not admit it out loud but they were both routing for their sons and them only. Of course that was against a few rules but they weren't the ones to care. But who couldn't root for them? These two teens had been put down by society from a very young age, this was their chance to prove them wrong.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MAY THE GAMES BEGIN!" Present Mic yells not even needing a microphone to be heard by the whole cheering stadium. And for those in the same cubicle, knowing this was not the loudest he would get, came prepared with noise canceling headphones.

The raid of students were soon becoming agressive as they pushed each other to pass through, what made everyone confused was the duo, consisted of Izuku and Shinso, staying back.
"What are they doing?" Aizawa questions as he tapped his fingers nervously against the table.
"It seems like their.. talking?" Mic states almost more as a question then a statement.

Everyone in the crowd were focused on the duo. Shinso was doing all the talking, trying to get a response from Izuku, which came in vain. After 1 minute 30 seconds they both started the race sprinting and taking note of all the announcements they heard about the stages. Many students were frozen by Shoto's quirk so they were slightly in the way.

For the first phase, they had to go pass some bots, they quickly noted that they were the same 0 points bots that in the entrance exam. Most had been frozen in Todoroki's ice or defeated by other students. Izuku pulled a large metal piece that he found loose on one of the defeated bots and used it as a weapon to slash the head off the both allowing him to pass over. Shinso, not being in his right environment, used that chance to also slip through.

They were quickly able to catch up to the second stage, which was still filled with students. Izuku passed it with ease considering that he was naturally good at parcours, making the crowd go crazy with Shinso following close behind.

The two most competitive students of class 1-A competed for number one, Izuku kept a distance as he watched his classmates struggle to get pass the land mines round which was also the last stage of the first round.

The crowd were looking at the screen intensity as Bakugo and Todoroki fought for the number one place, which took out the spot light from the freckled teen who was digging up the mines. Shinso started jumping from one student to an other using them to push himself through the crowd earning himself forth place, right behind Mei Hatsume from the support department.

"What is Izuku doing?" Aizawa asks concerned turning out his microphone.
"Our little listener always as a plan.. We just got to hope he isn't losing it here." Mic says in a playful matter as they sat on the edge of their seats, Mic doing most of the talking accompanied by the occasional comments from Aizawa.

A loud explosion is heard by all, louder then those of the single mines and louder then those of Katsuki Bakugo.

There was a huge cloud of smoke and soon someone came out of it revealing a certain greenette being propelled in the air laying on the metal piece he had took earlier.

Most of the students stared at the boy for a second trying to focus on the match which came out as more complicated as the smoke covered the whole area.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA TAKES THE LEAD!!" Present Mic yells, breaking everyone's eardrums, but all still shocked by the boy's come back. When it started losing speed he jumped off mid air using the top two as boosters and ran to the finish line first. He panted as he looked at the cheering crowd who were cheering for him.

Second was Todoroki soon followed by Katsuki, Shinso and so on. Izuku smiled as he saw his face appear on the billboard.

"I DID IT!" He yells as he looked at his brother who was the first to give him a fist bump.
"Sure did." Shinso smirks ruffling his hair proudly. Unlike the ash blonde, Shinso wasn't the competitive type, so he wasn't mad at him.

Katsuki on the other hand..
"Izuku Midoriya. You fucking traitor." Katsuki yells as he grabbed him by the collar of his P.E uniform.
"But I made it first!" He smiles sweetly, and how much Katsuki hated how much he couldn't be mad at him.
"You're still a traitor." He grumbles looking away to hide his blush.
"Aren't you proud of me?" Izuku asks doing puppy eyes to which Katsuki did the mistake to look at.
"Idiot.. Of course I'm proud of you. Let me be mad at you, I'm supposed to be first." He grumbles just loud enough for Izuku to hear. Izuku smiles kissing his cheek which resulted in a change of colour and the laughters of all those who had finished.

"Anyways, why didn't you start at the same time as us?" Kaminari asks running to them.
"For the dramatic effect~" Izuku says trying to sound mysterious.
"Wait- seriously?" Kirishima asks dumb founded.
"No we just both knew that you guys were a bunch of savages that would step on one an other. So we let you move forward before starting." Shinso explains frankly.
"OI!? YOU COMPARING ME TO THOSE SAVAGES!?" Katsuki yells as he creates small sparks ready to beat him.
"Yes." He answers bluntly and Izuku was quick to hold Katsuki.
"Shinso! There's other ways of saying the truth!" Midoriya yells and those around covered their mouths trying not to laugh.

"YOU FUCKER!" Katsuki yells bringing Izuku in a death grip.


"THAT'S MY LITTLE BRO!" A certain blue haired vilain yells as he watched the TV screen with the rest of the league.
"We know bro, we know." A scarred man sighs loudly as they sat back down after getting emotional over it.

"I guess we'll have to make bets who's little brother comes first huh?" Dabi smirks smugly as he looked at him.
"Fine, 100 bucks if I lose." Tomura says confidently.
"That, plus one month of taking the other's chores." Dabi smirks.
"Deal." They both nod, confident that they'll win.

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