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PENELOPE WASN'T IN THE greatest of moods whenever she woke up the next day, her nose killing her as she rolled over from her stomach to her back. Mark had been asleep next to her, facing the other way with small snores escaping past his lips. She giggled as she rolled on top of him, pressing a small kiss to his cheek.

"Wake up," she whispered into his ear, the boy letting out a small hum at the sudden interruption of his sleep. "I'm bored, give me attention fake boyfriend." She whined while sitting up on her bed, pouting slightly while she placed a hand on his back and shook him gently.

Mark stirred awake, flipping on his back to see the girl sitting there. He smiled as he reached out and grabbed her hand, "you're annoying. You know that, right?" He asked the girl who smiled as he finally spoke.

"I know." She said as she began to play with the singular ring on his finger. There was a moment of silence, the pair just enjoying one another's company before she spoke up, "thank you for everything." She looked up from his hand and to his face whenever she finished her words.

Mark admired the girl for a few seconds longer. He had truly grown to appreciate and love Penelope as they spent their time together in their fake relationship. He knew that she would be there for him, as he would for her. He couldn't imagine a life without her.

"Always." He finally replied as a toothless smile came onto his face.

The fake couple had stayed inside of Penelope's room for majority of the day. Her computer was opened to a show that the neither of them were really paying attention to and used more like background noise. She had her head rested on his chest as his arm wrapped around her torso.

"Pie or cake?" She questioned while looking up at the ceiling fan watching as it spun quickly.

Mark let out a hum as he rested his head on the headboard. "Muffins." He answered, a small smile coming onto his face as he was proud of his answer.

Penelope let out a laugh, turning her head to look at him. "What? That wasn't an answer." She said as she continued to laugh, her nose scrunching in the process earning a small wince but she didn't make a big deal out of it.

"It is in my book!" He exclaimed before his phone dinged, causing him to look at it to see a new text from Dylan. His eyebrows furrowed as he picked up the device, putting in his password and going to the text messages.

three little piggies

dude where are you?

fr we're leaving for the
party in two hours

shit i forgot i've been with
penelope since yesterday.

hi penelope
hiiii - penny

you should come to
the party with mark

where's it at? - penny

some frat house
on campus.

hmm count me in

good we miss you

i miss you guys too - penny
okay im gonna go get ready
byeee!! - penny

see you in a little

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