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EVEN THOUGH GETTING ACCEPTED into New York University was something that Penelope had been working towards since she was a preteen, sitting in a lecture early in the morning was something she had not prepared herself for, especially with the summer schedule she had been corrupted with.

Holding her arm over her mouth as she yawned, tapping at her laptop's keyboard in attempts to wake it, her eyes nearly fluttering shut as she wished she was back in her bed where she had to leave Luke this morning despite his protests.

"You look dead." An unfamiliar voice said causing her eyes to snap open, meeting a pair of brown and wide eyes.

Penelope chuckled as she rubbed her eyes, shaking her head. "That obvious?" She asked as the person sat down beside her.

"Just a little," the newcomer said with a small laugh as she reached into her bag. "I brought an extra." They said with a small chuckle as they held out an energy drink.

"Gosh, my life saver." Penelope said with a sigh of relief as she took the canned drink, quickly popping it open.

"Always." The person winked as they placed their computer on the table, settling in their seat. "I'm Parker." She introduced, a smile displaying on her face.

"Penelope." The girl returned while taking a sip of the drink.

"Nice to meet you, Penelope." Parker grinned just as someone else walked up to the two girls.

"Are these our claimed seats for the semester?" He asked, plopping down into the seat next to Parker.

"Yes, and we bite anyone who tries to steal." Parker smiled as they took a sip of their drink. "Aren, this is Penelope. Penelope, this is Aren." She said while waving between the people.

Aren leaned over Parker, outstretching his hand. "Hey, Penelope." A smile stretched across their face, meeting eyes with the girl. "Hope Parker didn't bore you too much. She has the tendency to do that." His joking words made Parker gasp as she slapped her friends shoulder.

"Jack-off." She laughed, covering her face as Aren and Penelope broke their handshake and pulled their hands back.

"You love it." Aren said while making kissing noises towards the girl as she shoved him away.

Penelope couldn't help the laugh that escaped her as she watched the exchange between the two. Whenever her laughter settled, she was speaking again, "what year are you guys?" She asked, glancing to the front as the professor walked in.

"I'm a junior and Parker's a sophomore." Aren answered while they sat their notebook on the table with a pen on the side. "You?" He asked, eyebrows pulling into a furrow.

"Uh, junior. Transfer from FIT." She stated with a small smile.

"Ooh, transfer." Parker said in a singsong tone, shimmying their shoulders. "Well, little miss transfer, there's a party tonight off campus. And you're coming." She grinned as she leaned against the table, brushing her hair out of their face.

"Only if you want to." Aren added on, slapping a hand onto Parker's back earning a small shriek from them. "But it'll be fuuun!" He smiled brightly, leaning his head back against the seat.

Penelope chuckled as she nodded, taking in their words and the confidence the pair radiated. Their welcoming demeanors easily made Penelope feel a sense of calm, dissolving her nerves that had been brewing all morning.

Looking at their tempting smiles and listening to Parker's quiet chants of encouragement, Penelope nodded. "I'm in." She laughed slightly, earning a small 'yes' from Parker as they fist bumped the air, earning a joking eye roll from Aren.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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