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THE NEXT MORNING WAS eventful for Penelope as her eyes slowly fluttered opened to look up at the ceiling. She felt her eyebrows furrow as she felt arms around her waist, causing her to look down to her sides and see Jack and Luke on either side of her. Quinn was sleeping at the foot of the bed curled up in a blanket he dragged in to her room the night before. She sighed as she laid her head back down, hearing the soft snores of Quinn and the way Jack mumbled in his sleep.

Her head fell and she looked over to Luke whose lips were in a pout as he slept, a small bit of air blowing out and past his lips as he continued to sleep. She smiled as she reached a hand up and ran a hand gently through his curls before she let her hand fall back down the the gap between them.

She looked back down to her waist, grabbing the arm that Jack had draped over her and pushing it away causing the boy to stir slightly before he turned away from her, back against her as he fell deeper into his sleep. She looked over to Luke, beginning to pry his arms off of her but she was unsuccessful as his grip around her grew tighter and he pulled her, the gap that was once between them now nonexistent.

Penelope couldn't help the way her face heated up at the sudden contact as he held her close. "Lu," she whispered out and looked up to him, her heart swelling at how peaceful he looked. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth in attempts to contain her smile. She decided not to fight it anymore and rested her head on his chest, arm draping over his torso as her fingertips trailed up and down his arm gently as she allowed herself to close her eyes and fall back asleep.

Twenty minutes later Jack's eyes were fluttering open from the sun that shined into the room, squinting his eyes as soon as he opened them. He groaned and rubbed his eyes as he slowly turned over, allowing his eyes to adjust to the light before they rested on his younger brother who held the girl he had been in love with so close to him.

He gently moved up, rubbing his eyes once more in attempts to swipe away the sleepiness before he looked to Quinn who had been sleeping on his stomach. Jack nudged the older, hearing a small grunt from him as he turned over with tiredness in his eyes.

"What?" Quinn asked as he piped up, stretching out his neck as he looked to his brother. Jack didn't have to say anything as the older just merely followed his gaze. "They make me sick." He grumbled and rolled his eyes while standing up, being sure to not wake the pair.

Jack grabbed his phone that was resting on Penelope's bedside table and grinned as he snapped five photos of the pair. "She's going to kill you." Quinn muttered while he waited for his brother, leaning against the bed frame as he watched his brother with an all too happy expression.

"Better me than you, I guess." Jack muttered back before he scrolled through the photos, nodding to himself before turning. "Let's let these two have their... moment." He chuckled gently as he began to make his way out of the room with Quinn trailing behind him.

The second time that Penelope had woke up, was due to Luke's phone that began to ring. The pair both groaned as he reached over to grab his phone, not bothering to see who it was calling him but answering anyways. "Hello?" He asked in a sharp manner, the aggravation evident in his tone as he held his phone up to his ear.

Penelope rested her chin on his chest as she looked up to the boy. She had a small smile on her face as she felt with him play with her hair with his free hand. "Who is it?" She asked while raising her head and resting on her elbows, his arm still around her.

Luke pulled the phone away from his ear and put it on speaker, "Are you with Penny?" The voice of Jim Hughes with heard causing Penelope to grin as she took the phone in an eager manner.

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