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PENELOPE HAD A SMILE on her face whenever she woke up, the thoughts running through her mind as she felt Luke's arms around her waist, pulling her close. "Good morning." He whispered as he leaned down, pressing a kiss below her ear.

"Morning." She stretched and rolled in his arms, turning to face him.

He twirled her hair around his fingers as he admired the girl that laid in front of him, the markings on her neck from the night before causing a grin to stretch across his face, leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips.

The moment was ruined at the sound of heavy hits against the door. "It's twelve! Lunch is almost ready!" Cole shouted with a laugh that belonged to Trevor following behind his friends words. "Guys!" He yelled, pressing his ear to the door.

"We heard you!" Luke shouted back, earning a giggle from Penelope as she began to sit up. "No, stay here." He took her hand and pulled her back onto the bed.

"Luke, we have to get up." She giggled as she laid back down next to him, a smile on her face.

"No we don't." He shook his head as he laid his head on his arm, smiling at her.

"Until they barge into the room." She retorted with a grin as she pulled the blanket off of her. "Come on, I'm hungry." She took his hand as she began to stand up, attempting to pull him up after her.

He held off for as long as possible before hearing her huff, pulling at his hand. "Fine, fine." He said as he allowed her to drag him up from the bed. "Let's go get foot." He said and stood up, grabbing a random shirt as she smiled and opened the door.

He followed her downstairs, slipping his shirt over his head as they walked into the kitchen. Instantly he noticed the eyes that were on them as they sat at the island seats, Cole and Carter sitting on the other two stools.

"How was your guys date?" Alex asked from where he stood at the coffee maker, a knowing grin on his face as he looked between the two.

Penelope's face was a dead give away but she tried to play it off as she glanced over to Luke. "It was good." She simply replied, reaching up to scratch at her scalp as the room suddenly felt ten times hotter than before.

"Good?" Angie questioned, perking an eyebrow up at her two friends who nodded before she let out a snort. "Oh, it was more than good." She stated, maneuvering past Trevor as she eyed the girl.

"Yeah, you guys look like leopards." Trevor pointed out from where he stood next to Jamie, causing him to reach a hand up to smack him upside the head. "Ow!?" He exclaimed, looking over to the man.

"I'm glad your guys date went good." Jamie smiled at the two as he placed some bacon onto a plate.

"Thank you, Jamie." Penelope smiled at him, watching as he merely nodded, eyeing her next for a moment before his eyes went wide.

"You look like you have the rashes on your neck." Cole snorted causing Quinn to turn around quickly, finally looking at the pair.

"Oh, fuck off. All of you!" Luke exclaimed as he leaned back, eyebrows furrowing as he stared at Cole. "Jack, get your friends." He turned his head to look at his brother.

"No, I had to walk in and see you grabbing the condom. That was traumatic!" He shouted while drinking his orange juice. "I heard it all night." He scowled at his little brother.

"We all did!" Angie shouted from across the kitchen, eyes wide. "Not how I wanted to wake up at twelve in the morning, by the way." She pointed to Penelope who felt like she could die from embarrassment.

"Guys, stop." Kota said, although they carried a smile on his face. "Their sex life is none of our business." She stated, earning gags of disgust from everyone in the room.

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