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THE HUGHES AND ADLERS went all out for the Fourth of July. Always. It was one of their favorite holidays, putting in more work than they had last year. The fathers always went to pick up fireworks while the mothers stayed in the kitchen majority of the day, getting ready for a big dinner.

Penelope had on a red bikini underneath a pair of blue jean shorts and a white muscle tee that she had stolen from Cole and her was hair pulled up into a pony tail. She had on her necklace, but decided on not wearing any rings seeing as to how she didn't want to lose any.

"Think fast!" Jack shouted as she made her way outside, throwing a football at her causing her to shriek as she quickly dodged the ball, watching as it bounced off the side of the house.

"Jack!" She shouted at him as she picked up the ball and threw it back at him, watching as he caught it with ease as he grinned.

"Penny!" He mocked as she walked over towards him, watching as she stuck out her tongue. He laughed before sticking out his.

Quinn walked up with a beer in his hand, shaking his head. "You two are children." He muttered, laughing as he moved between them and took a spot on one of the lawn chairs.

"You just say that because you're grumpy and... old." Her nose scrunched as she looked at him, eyebrows furrowing as she realized how lame she sounded.

"What the fuck?" Jack asked the girl who rolled her eyes, reaching a hand up and pushing his face causing him to laugh.

"Shut up, loser." She stated as he pushed her hand away, the pair continuing to push one another until Jack picked Penelope up by her knees and threw her over his shoulder. "Jack Hughes!" She shouted in shock as she tried to push herself off of him.

"Take that back!"

"Take what back!?" She shouted as she slapped his chest, forgetting she was heavy handed causing the boy to groan in pain. "Let me down!" She laughed out as he began to spin at a quick pace.

"You're both going to be dizzy." Alex warned the pair although he was laying on the grass, looking at the pair.

"Jack, I'm sorry!" She shouted once more, wrapping her arms around his waist so that she didn't fall off of him. "Please let me down." She shrieked as he stopped and pretended to trip.

Jack laughed as he finally lowered her down to her feet, holding onto her forearms so that she didn't fall because she was in fact dizzy. "You're an ass." She stated as she tried to keep herself up straight as the world spun.

"But you love me!" He said in a sing song voice, shimmying his shoulders slightly.

"Gross, in your dreams." She pushed him away with a laugh, watching as his jaw dropped at her words. "I'm kidding! I guess I love you." She smiled up at him.

"Thought so." He said and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, ruffling her hair causing her to scrunch her nose.

"Get off me, you're annoying." She joked and pushed him off of her once more, looking up at him as he carried a smile. "Where is Luke?" She asked, noticing that he wasn't there with them.

"Uh, on the boat I think." He shrugged and glanced back towards the boat. "Luke!" He shouted, watching as the boy peaked his head up the boat where he was doing God knows what.

"There's your lover boy." Cole joked as he sipped at his beer, earning an eye roll from Penelope as she began to make her way over to the dock.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked whenever she approached the boat, eyebrows furrowing as she spotted him laying on the seats.

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