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INiall left the group chat.

Me: Loved 'Niall left the group chat.'

Li: everything okay with Ni? he's been quiet recently and lou we gotta talk about that ^ check your messages

Z: what'd we miss?

Me: too much...


I locked my phone and shoved it in my pocket to leave the room to find Harry and Jackson.


What? That's not my phone. I walk over to the side table and pick up Harry's phone.


It lights up as the messages come through. It shows a preview of each on the lock screen. I see the group chat go off so I set his phone down.




I'm not a nosey person. I don't snoop but if someone is texting my boyfriend this much I get curious. I figured maybe it's Anne or Gemma wondering if he's coming home. I press the home button and once it lights up my stomach drops.


Niall: harry please talk to me

Niall: harry  im sorry i had to tell him something



I drop his phone on the table. He kissed Niall? When? I sit on my bed and put my head in my hands. I can't wrap my head around it. Niall. Harry. Kiss. I keep picturing it. I growl, grab his phone and march downstairs.

Lounge. No Harry.

Dining room. No Harry.

"So. What happened Harry?" I stop at the kitchen door when I hear Jackson's voice.

"Wh...what do you mean?" There he is.

"I've had my share of problems with Gaby  to recognize when someone is keeping something to themselves."

"I'm not."

"Harry. Secrets can kill." He says it like a warning.

I push the door open. I toss Harry his phone on the table and walk to the cabinets. Bowl. Cereal. Fridge. Milk. Spoon.

"Your mum said she was taking the girls to the zoo Lou." Jackson tells me as he sips his coffee.

I nod. "Good. Want some cereal?"

"Nah. Already has some."

I put the first spoon in my mouth as I walk towards the door.


"Mm?" I mumble around the spoon. I haven't looked at him.


"May want to answer that. Or not. You're not one to kiss and tell apparently."

His face pales and I shake my head. I kick open the door and stomp upstairs. I go past my room to the end of the hallway and take a left. This room has been a playroom, a computer room, and currently a music room. I shut the door and sit next to the window finishing my cereal. I set the bowl on a table and sit in front of the piano. My phone goes off in my pocket.

Haz: open the door boo

"No Harry."

"Lou please. Let me explain."

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