1 ; demented.

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June 15th, Thursday.

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17 | Atlanta, Georgia.

"Damn nunu yo' smile still look forced as fuck." My brother dace shrugged looking at the photos nya took.

I mugged him walking to her and grabbing my phone.

"Most likely cause it is." She responded for me.

"Shame, always fucking mad at tha' world." He flicked my forehead before walking out the room.

I smacked my lips at the action, not acting on it though. Focused on my screen.

"Always somewhere with us; and for what?" I mugged. "Cause his hoodlums of friends don't be up early like we do."

"Nanny make sure his ass up early everyday." I laughed saving only three of the 13 taken photos.

Me and my momma used to fall out literally every single fucking week. So me being me I got tired of her childish shit, packed, and moved in with my nanny. Of course my brother came along not too long after; we just have that connection.

My other two oldest brothers been moved out, they dealt with the shit before and was out as soon as they hit they teen years.

Both of them also living with our nanny until they aged to 18.

Tory is 20 now, and Brandon 19.

I still keep in contact with her cause she's my mother and I love her, but living with her? Tuh she ruined that.

Jr 🖤. — just now
wtw nunu kick back at
manny's fa kj at 7

I scrunched up my face looking at nya as she scrolled through her insta.

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