19 ; demented.

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July 18th, Monday.

@AINTSHITSWEET - July 18th, Monday

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17 | Atlanta, Georgia.

I got out of my car at Kamryns house; Dacian gave me his address like the good brother he is supporting my delusions.


I walked up to the door just shaking my big fat ass; pussy fresh ready to GO.

(That's not how the tiktok fr go but if yk it i love you 🤣🤣🤣🤣.)

I knocked on the door, it was 4 in the afternoon and i knew he was up and home because the nigga only be out at night.

I smacked my lips continuing to knock, he think ima leave him alone i'm not, Cause what are you being weird for?

"Ka—." The door opened to Kamryn, a mug plastered on his face. "What's wrong?" I frowned he looked tired and drained.

"Nothing man come on." He said opening the door more. I walked in and he closed the door behind me.

"What you doing?" He stretched looking down at me. "Checking up on you, where you been? Nobody has heard from you." I asked him.

He shook his head. "Shit just been on my mind."

I just frowned. "Kamryn you can tell me, I came here to see what's been up with you I'll listen." I told him.

"You good pretty, come on real quick." He said turning around and starting to walk towards his stairs.

Out of habit I followed him, staring at his butt as he walked. Okay he got something back there.


I laughed shoving Kamryn off me. "Boy move cause I ain't tickle you for that long." I said.

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