14 ; demented.

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July 11th, Monday.

@AINTSHITSWEET - July 11th, Monday

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17 | Atlanta, Georgia.

"It has came up to $4,504 ma'am would you like to deposit it all?" The lady asked me, I nodded to her.

Glad I got here before 10.

Every 10th of the month I come to my bank and put half the money I've saved up into my savings account.

The other half in a regular account.

Everytime I do hair I make $400-$500 that single day, that being every Sunday it adds up to $2,000-$2,500 a month.

Might not be that much to people but it sure is to me.

"All done, you have a great day." She smiled at me, i smiled back grabbing a cherry sucker them banks be having and walking away.

As I pushed on the door I got a call.

"Hello?" I answered. "You fucking with kamryn?" Tory asked through the phone.

"Nothing what you doing?" I ignored his question.

He smacked his laps and I laughed.

"Okay okay. Who is this Kamryn?" I asked him back, pressing the button on my keys to unlock my door to my urus.


"I meannnn.." I shrugged getting in the car and putting my phone on speaker, setting it up on the phone thing.

"Rico 'don told me."

I scrunched up my face immediately. "I don't know why he in my business for anyways, like how did he even know that?" I asked.


I smacked my lips. Big mouthed ass hoeeee.

"I think we talking." I answered him pulling off from the bank. "You know how that nigga is for real? He like playing girls he don't got no heart." He told me.

"Brandon his best friend and Brandon know? Why he ain't say nothing then?" I asked.

"Brandon slow, i ain't fussing I just don't want my little sister hurt; and I know kj enough to know what he be thinking." He said.

"Sound like dick riding to me.." I mumbled.

"I'm bout to hang up and let your fat ass get heart broken." He said. I bursted out laughing. "Tory you so fucking mean." I told him.

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