23 ; demented.

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July 24th, Saturday.

@AINTSHITSWEET - July 24th, Saturday

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(Ss from her highlights 😭😭

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(Ss from her highlights 😭😭.)

17 | Atlanta, Georgia.


"How long you been here, nunie?" Dace walked into the hospital room door with a Destiny who was rubbing her eyes.

"Since this morning." Nya mumbled from the other side of the room. "Don't scare me like that you know you sound like my uncle when you first wake up." Dace held his heart.

Des hit his arm. "That was rude." She said softly. He smacked his lips. "Girl stop touching me, you good?" He asked.

I nodded watching brandon.

"His finger twitched earlier." I said not looking away from him. "Fa' real?"

"Mhm, this bitch screamed so loud for the doctors they thought she needed physical assistance." Nya laughed.

"That means he's getting closer to waking up." I looked at dace. He nodded slowly. "We beating his ass when he wake up right?" He said.

I smiled a little bit. "Most definitely."

"Y'all ain't bring no food? A bitch is hungry." Nya yawned stretching and getting her phone out of her pocket.

"Boa we just ate, Where kamryn at? Where all 'yo niggas?" He asked me then Nya.

I shrugged.

"I don't wanna ask them for nothing yet, i'm just now getting some of them back." She sighed.

"You got him these?" Des looked at the blue roses and 3 blue balloons that were tied to the bottom.

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