New Arrivals

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Austria, 1945, Group 935 Facility Codename "Eagle's Nest", Der Eisendrache

Gunshots, gusts of wind, and groans were the only thing that could be heard in the mountain top castle as the Primis Crew valiantly fought off the horde of hell spawn.
"This way! This Way!" Shouted Doctor Edward Richthofen as the Primis Crew were being chased down by a horde of undead cannibalistic German soldiers. The group eventually got to the room where they found a teleporter to take them away from the castle, and Richthofen ordered the group to protect him while he started the teleporter. Dempsey mowed down the undead with an lmg, Nikolai blasted away the shambling corpses with a shotgun, and Takeo cut down any zombie that got too close to the doctor. Despite this, they were starting to get overwhelmed. "Any time now doc!" Barked Dempsey. Nikolai hurried the Doctor as well: "You have to hurry German! There's too many of them!" "Hang on I've almost got it!" Richthofen replied. After a few more seconds the teleporter finally started,but instead of instantly transporting them, it formed a purple portal that looked extremely unstable. "We have to go through it!" Takeo said as he decapitated a zombie. "Wait this isn't supposed to happen!" Said Richthofen. "We don't know where it leads!" "Do you have a better idea?" Said Takeo. Right at that moment, thousands of undead soldiers accompanied by mechanized undead workers began sprinting towards the teleporter room. "I don't know but I don't think we should stick around to make one, time to go!" Shouted Nikolai. The group jumped into the portal and were instantly thrown into a space that looked like a colorful vortex for a few seconds, and were quickly on solid ground once again. "Is everyone okay? Nobody's bit?" Asked Dempsey as the group got themselves off the ground. They all agreed that they were okay. However there was now a more pressing issue at hand, where were they? They were on dirt, but the area looked bizarre. The sky was a mild orange as it it couldn't decide if it was in the middle of a sunrise or sunset. They were surrounded by massive trees that seemed to touch the sky. They resembled redwoods but they had orange leaves. Even though the temperature was normal, the team still felt incredibly odd especially after they just came from the castle in the high up in the freezing mountains. "Where are we?" Asked Takeo. "Not sure" Said Dempsey. "But at least it's better than where we were before." "I wouldn't say such things, at least not yet" said Takeo. "We are in unknown territory, and for all we know we may have ended up somewhere far worse then that frozen hell scape, stay on guard." "He's right" Said Richthofen. "We shouldn't celebrate until we know what happened and can continue with our journey." The doctor observed his surroundings and noticed some pieces from the tele-porter room had been slightly scattered along their position. He began to theorize that he could possibly manufacture some sort of makeshift teleportation device for them to use, or at least to get them out of wherever they were. Dempsey chimed in: "Let's find a place to rest for the night." "Wow Dempsey! That's the first smart thing I've heard you say this whole time!" The doctor said sarcastically. Dempsey simply rolled his eyes. "You two go find a place for us to stay for the night while me and Takeo find the parts from the broken teleporter room that we can salvage, I have an idea."

March 3rd 2020, Somewhere outside of Newtopia

While one group's journey was put on hold another's was about to end, or so they thought. After the three teenage heroes Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, and Marcy Wu had defeated the core and its forces, it was time to go home. After being in Amphibia for so long avoiding death on countless occasions, they could finally go home and live like normal kids. However, it was a bittersweet departure. Over the course of their time there, the three girls had made significant relationships and bonds, some even being familial. At long last, they had to say goodbye. They gathered at a cliff side overlooking a huge body of water outside of Newtopia where everyone who they formed bonds with were there. Many tears were shed, but everyone knew it was something that had to be done. The three girls placed a weapon they used during their time in Amphibia by a rock. Sasha placed her sword, Marcy placed her crossbow, and Anne placed a tennis racket. Finally after their goodbyes were said, the three girls stood in front of the portal ready to return to their normal lives. "You guys ready?"Asked Anne. "Sure am" replied Sasha. "You Marcy?" "Honestly not sure, but I know as long as I have you guys, I'll be ready anything!" Marcy said with tears in her eyes. The other two girls smiled. Suddenly, the ground began to shake and the portal began to take on a more jagged form. Everyone was confused. They followed the instructions to set up the portal perfectly, what was happening? The portal send out a shockwave that knocked the girls on their backs, and even some of the amphibians. The girls quickly grabbed their weapons, even Anne grabbed her tennis racket out of pure instinct. "What's coming out of there!?" Shouted Marcy. "Not sure" said Sasha. "But whatever it is it's probably not friendly." Suddenly, the portal exploded and shot something out of it. Nobody saw what it was, but they did see it was going to land somewhere hundreds of miles away. Everyone one checked on each other to see if they were okay, but Marcy was focused on on specific thing. In fact she looked shell shocked. Anne went to check on her. "You okay there Marb-" "The portal's gone" she said. "That was our only way back" Sasha rushed over to her and Anne. "Marcy what's wrong?" She asked in a soft voice. "Please don't think this is your fault you didn't know it would happen." "But it did" Marcy replied Solemnly. "Maybe we can fix this." Anne chimed in.  "Maybe we can talk to one of the Olms or Andiras about what happened and then-" "You don't get it so you?" Said Marcy, on the verge of tears. "I bought us here, it's my fault that we're here, and now the box is destroyed so we can make another portal. Finally Marcy broke down. We're never going home and it's all my fault!"

2045, Gracefield Farm and Meat processing plant

"You don't understand do you Emma?" Said Mama Isabelle . The reason I didn't tell you and raised you the way I did was so that you can live a fulfilling and safe life, so you can be happy." Emma and her friends were cornered in an attempt to find a way out of the place where they were destined to die. Accompanying her were Ray, Norman, Don, and Gilda. They had recently found out the "orphanage" they were living in was actually a place to harvest their minds and bodies for food, and they wanted to get themselves and as many other children out as possible. They were in the forest of the facility and were being confronted by their "mother" Isabel "Now, come along children I'm afraid your game is over." "I won't let you kill them!" Shouted Emma. "Don't get too ahead of yourself young lady, you're going to make me do something I really do not want to to do." Replied Isabelle. Emma wouldn't budge. "If you want them, you have to get through me!" "Very well Emma, so do what you must-" suddenly, flashes of light blinded both parties and a portal formed. When they came to their senses they stared at the anomaly in awe. Emma spent so much time trying to formulate an escape, and after so many scrapped ideas, the solution was right there. She didn't know how long the opportunity would last, so she decided it was now or never. Emma quickly pushed both Ray and Norman into the portal and jumped in after them. Don and Gilda tried to go in after them, but the portal closed just as quickly as it had opened. The three kids screamed at the top of their lungs as they were thrown through a vortex of colors when they suddenly hit something hard. 

Miami, May 10th, 1989

"Emma wake up!" She could hear someone saying that phrase faintly as she slowly started to come to. Norman repeated the phrase until he could see that Emma was fully awake. They were in the back alley between two medium sized buildings laying behind a dumpster. "We did it! We actually did it we made it out!" Emma joyfully exclaimed. This caught attention of Ray who was keeping watch on the other side of the dumpster. "Emma!"" He cried. "Are you okay?" "Yeah!" Emma said. Ray smiled, sat down, and gave Emma a big hug. He then proceeded to slap her with the back of his hand. "What the fuck were you thinking when you did that?!" Ray exclaimed "I-I just thought th-that it could be a way out." "And you didn't think for a second about where it might lead!?" "Take it easy" said Norman. "She got us out of there away from the demons" "And possibly sent us somewhere even worse." Ray responded "I mean this place is crawling with grown-ups!" "Maybe they're friendly here?" Emma asked. "That could be a possibility albeit a slim one." Responded Ray. "We have to keep moving." Said Norman. "We don't know where we are so we should probably find a place to spend the night and get on our feet, skies already starting to turn to nighttime it looks like." "Oh my gosh!" Exclaimed Emma. "How are we supposed to help the other kids escape!? I've doomed them!" "You didn't doom anyone Emma." Norman said reassuringly. "You were only acting on instinct and that's completely normal. I promise we'll find a way to get back to them but first we need to find a place to stay okay?" Emma pauses for a bit and the responses with an optimistic "okay!" Before they were ready to set off Norman had something to say to Ray. "Where did you learn that word?" "Which one" "The F one" "I over heard one of the moms say it when they spilled something." "What does it mean?" Asked Emma. "No clue". Said Ray. "It sounds mean" said Emma, let's do our best not to say it okay?" They all nodded in agreement.

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