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Hello everyone who's reading this. First of all before we begin I would like to apologize for the long wait between the chapters. It is currently summer break for me so while I have been going through personal stuff, I've also procrastinated on this thing for quite a while and honestly, if you've lost interest in this then I don't blame you. But for everyone who decided to still with this I thank you all. I know it's probably not much by wattpad standards but this is my first fic I've ever made and I didn't expect that amount of people to read it. And so as compensation for those who have waited so long for this, I will be releasing a bonus chapter that details what an earlier version of the this fic I had in mind would have been like. An extra if you will. Without further ado, please enjoy this new chapter.


"So do you ever take that helmet off?" Marcy asked the Master Chief. "You've had that thing on since last night." "Rarely" said the Chief. "I need to keep it on in case the UNSC gets a hold of me." "It's kinda creepy though." Said Anne. "It makes you seem so mysterious and less human." "That's the point." Chief, along with the plantar family with Anne and Marcy were going to meet up with Sasha to find out what caused him to crash land into Amphibia. Despite the the tension between the girls and the Spartan, it gave them hope. If there was a way in, then there was a way out. For Marcy and Anne, It was so that they could see their families again. For Master Chief, it was so he could get back to the pilot that helped him during the events of Zeta Halo. He made a promise to not fail him, and he will do everything he possibly can to keep that promise. The group met up at the Grub N Go restaurant to formulate a plan. The townsfolk didn't take kindly for the spartan unintentionally preventing the girls from going home. They hurled insults at him but he ignored all of them. One even threw a knife at him, but it simply bounced off his armor as he walked inside. Once they greeted each other and sat down, Sasha immediately started asking questions. "I can understand why you would want to go back, but why are you helping us?" "My purpose is to help and protect humanity, no matter the cost, or person." "Did you have any help while you were on that ring Macy told me about?" Asked Sasha. "I did" replied the Chief. He laid left hand in the table, and a blue hologram of a woman in unsc uniform emitted from his palm. The group sat mesmerized by the blue woman coming out of the Chiefs hand. "Hello everyone!" The hologram said cheerfully. "While I haven't been given an official name yet, you can refer to me as part of the reason the chief is still alive, although I admit he did the heavy lifting." "She's navigated me through zeta halo, among other things." Explained the Chief. "Can you get us home?" Marcy asked the hologram. "It depends" she replied. "The portal we went through was some sort of anomaly, the ones we went through were made by me the the one that bought us here wasn't. I would suggest finding the place that we originally came out of" "The cliff side outside Newtopia was where we were supposed to leave." Said Anne. "Maybe it's worth checking out?" "That could work." Said the blue lady. "Although the portals I made would solely transport us across the ring, I'm not sure if they could allow us to traverse other universes." "So what, we just go there making portals and hope something happens?" Asked Sasha. "Better than doing nothing." Said the Chief. They all agreed and exited the restaurant to go to the cliff side where they were supposed to go home. Little did they know, that someone was waiting there for them.

The Primus crew admired the view overlooking the vast blue ocean, as they awaited their soon to be new teammates. The four men spent a majority of the time looking out for their new team members and cleaning their weapons whilst Luz and Amity sat down next to each other looking out at the ocean. "So is this what earth looks like?" Amity asked. "For the most part yeah." Said Luz. "It's far from perfect, but I still can't wait to show you it." "If you want to visit the closest thing to perfection, I would suggest Austria." Said Richthofen. "The Alps are a must see, especially when they aren't crawling with the undead.""I doubt they have anything on the mountains in Wyoming." Said Dempsey. "Listen kids" he told them. "I'm not sure if Heaven exists and I don't know if you believe it does either, but those mountains are pretty good evidence it's real." "However" Nikolai chimed in. "Murmansk at night is a glimpse of Heaven, I like to think that the Aurora Borealis is a glimpse into paradise itself." "There is one mountain that beats all of those combined." Said Takeo. "It is Mount Fuji, such a majestic sight to behold." "I can't wait to see all of those places!" Said Amity. "I mean I was just thinking of going to the movies with you first, but thankfully we have more options!" Said Luz. "Once we meet our new companions, we will have plenty of places to visit." Said Richthofen looking through a pair of binoculars, he saw a large dark purple snail pulling a carriage approaching their position. "Speak of the devil." Said Richthofen. The crew gathered their gear and went down to meat them. Once they got closer to the carriage, they began to communicate "Greetings!" Richthofen shouted to them as he pulled out the kronorium. "Would Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, and Marcy Wu happen to be inside the carriage?" The old frog steering the carriage looked confused and whispered something to the occupants inside. Suddenly Marcy stepped out out of the carriage and fired an arrow from her wrist crossbow. Richthofen dodged the arrow and fell to the ground still trying to reason with them while the rest of the Primus crew readied their weapons, hoping to not have to use them. "Wait wait wait! We mean you no harm, brute force is not necessary!" Suddenly, the Master Chief leaped out of the carriage breaking one of the doors in the process and landed with rise assault rifle ready. "Where is it?" The Chief asked. "Where is what!?" Asked Richthofen. "The Brute" said Chief. "I don't think he was referring to an actual brute Chief." Said Chief's AI. "I think you're right." He responded. The Plantars and the rest of the girls got out of the carriage ready to fight. "Everyone just calm down!" Said Dempsey. "We're just here to help you." "Then how does your friend here know our names even though we've never met any of you?" Said Anne. "Because of this" Richthofen said holding up the Kronorium. "It's a book that can tell the future, it said we had to come here to find you." "You really expect us to believe that?" Said Sasha. "You are with talking frogs young girl, is this future seeing book really that out of the ordinary?" Said Nikolai. "There is a chain of events that must be set in motion." Said Takeo. "And we're all part of it." "Listen I don't like the doctor either, but everything he's been saying so far has been true and it's not like we have much of a choice." Said Dempsey. "Wait first of all, who are you guys? And second of all, how did you guys get here?" "I'm doctor Edward Richthofen. Those are Takeo, Dempsey, Nikolai, Amy, and Liz." "It's Amity and Luz." Luz said while waving to to their new companions. "We have a teleporter that can take us to basically anywhere, which means that we can get you home." The girls at first weren't buying the doctor's story, but the part where he mentioned getting them home made them reconsider. "You can really do that?" Asked Marcy. "Indeed" said Richthofen. "However there is work to be done and we must make a few stops first so I will make you a deal, you help us out, and we will get you home, deal?" The girls discussed the proposition amongst themselves. They thought that the doctor seemed sketchy, but they didn't know if they would get a chance like this again. They decided they would go with him. They turned to the Primus crew. "Fine" Anne said. "We'll go with you." "Splendid!" Exclaimed Richthofen. "Now we must go, time is of the essence." "I'll go too" said the Master Chief. "And sorry about the door." He said to the plantars. "We can come with you!" Said sprig to Anne. The rest of the Plantats agrees too as well. "I wish you could." Said Anne. "But someone's gotta help this place get back on its feet. The people need you." Sprig was disappointed but understood. Sasha and Marcy told them to say bye to Grime as well as Lady Olivia and Genera Yuan for them. They said their goodbyes and promised to visit them. They then went off the the teleporter.

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