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Miami 1989

"Well I was about to explain to you what exactly is going here, before I was rudely interrupted by you." Said Richthofen. "Look, I don't know what kind of sting operation you're trying to pull here , but I was called here for a pest control job." Said Jacket. "Caller didn't provide me with any equipment so I had to improvise." "Relax, we're not with the police you don't have to lie." Said Sasha. "I would hope not." Said Jacket. "Miami PD doesn't use children to get involved in their cases, although considering how much this city has gone down the drain I wouldn't put it past them." Ever since Jacket has began receiving those weird anonymous phone calls, he thought somewhere in the back of his mind something like this would happen. He didn't think the pest control excuse wouldn't get him very far, but it was better than nothing. "All that you need to know, is that we are not your enemies." Said Anne. "So why'd you try to ambush me?" Asked Jacket annoyed. "Allow to me to explain, what we are is a newly forged alliance that share a common goal, to fix the universe." Said Richthofen. "Actually we're just trying to go back home." Said Marcy. "So am I!" Said Luz. "Although I still have a tyrannical overlord to take down." "So do I." Said the Master Chief sternly. "Wow you have a dictator to stop to?" Asked Luz. "Something like that." Replied the Chief. "Okay we have goals the slightly vary." Said Richthofen. "We never said anything about this whole universe saving thing." Said Norman. Emma chimed "Yeah, we're mostly here because the guy with the book wants to be, but we'll try to help when we can!" "We will?" Asked Ray. "Great so we're on the same page in the sense that none of us want to be here." Said Jacket. "Enough!" Shouted Richthofen. "What I'm trying to say is that we don't have to like each other, but for the good of those we hold dear and the rest of the multiverse, we must stick together." "At the very least can we save this multiverse quickly?" Asked Jacket. "The whole reason I'm here is because of these phone calls I got that sent me to places like this. Now I don't know what will happen if I don't fulfill their requests but I'm pretty sure I don't wanna find out." "Trust me, we will complete our mission as soon as possible." Assured Richthofen. After a few minutes, Dempsey untied Jacket from his chair. Richthofen pulls out the Kronorium. "Doesn't that get heavy?" Asked Marcy. "What's in this thing anyway?" She asked trying to grab the book from Richthofen. "Oh Nein Nein Nein." He said moving the book away from her. "This is a book that can tell the future and past, knowing such knowledge would drive most normal people mad especially those who are simple minded, no offense Dempsey." "None at all taken." Said Dempsey. Richthofen conversed with Takeo, Dempsey, Nikolai, and ordered everyone to the center of the room. "All right listen up everyone!" Dempsey said. "We don't exactly know what kind or how many threats we're going to face, so we're gonna have to train you how to use our various weaponry." "While we don't doubt your combative capabilities, they will need to be enhanced for the coming conflict." "We're gonna teach you stuff like how to shoot guns, and other survival stuff." Said Dempsey." Chief and the guy with the fancy Jacket over there will help you to." "Affirmative." Said the Chief. "Eh why not, I guess I got a couple things from the army I can teach them." Said Jacket. "What are you talking about? You know who we are with that book your friend has right?" Said Sasha. "We killed an ancient evil robot hive mind thing and save an entire planet!" "Yes, with powers you no longer have." Said Richthofen. "We don't think you're not able to fight, but we are going up against foes beyond human comprehension." "What do you think we just got done fighting?" Asked Sasha. Suddenly, the ground beneath them started to shake, and almost everyone lost their balance. Once the shaking stopped, Chief asked his AI why that happened. "The seismic activity doesn't seem to be natural, something must have triggered it." Said his AI. "Where did it come from?" The Chief asked. "This might explain it, inter dimensional activity detected In the sewer systems. I'll mark the location." Said the AI. "That could be something important, we must investigate it." Said Richthofen. "Chief, Jacket man, you're coming with us. The rest of you stay here and wait until we get back." As they were arming themselves from their stash of weapons, Dempsey tossed Jacket a holster for his bat and an M16, which he quickly inspected. "You familiar with that thing?" Dempsey asked. "Back in Hawaii these things were practically part of us." "What could be so bad that you think we can't handle it?" Asked Luz. "We don't know." Said Richthofen loading a silenced uzi. "Which is why it's us that will be investigating it." The crew finished arming themselves. Dempsey with two pistols and a knife, Takeo with his Katana and pistol, Nikolai with his Shotgun, Richthofen with his SMG, Chief with his Rifle and Pistol, and Jacket with his M16 and Bat. "Remember, stay here and take care of each other." Said the Master Chief. They quickly left out the door to confront whatever was in the sewers. The kids waited in the house talking amongst themselves about what to do next. Eventually, Luz went to the middle of the room and made an announcement. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm not comfortable sitting here doing nothing so I'm gonna follow them, if you wanna join you're welcome too." "I'm coming with you." Said Amity. "We should go too guys." Said Sasha. "Why? They told us to stay here and frankly, I don't really feel like it." Anne said. "I'm actually with Anne on this one." Said Marcy." "We don't have our powers anymore so what are my noodle arms gonna do against whatever cosmic threat is coming?" "Those noodle arms conquered beasts in Amphibia!" Exclaimed Sasha. "Even then you really want to disobey the orders of the Chief? If I'm being honest he scares me." Said Marcy. "Whatever, I won't force you guys to come with me, but I'm going to help them." Said Sasha. "Fine" Said Anne. "But I'm only doing it because you are!" "So will I." Said Marcy. "We gotta make sure we stick together." Emma listened in and got the same idea. "Im gonna go with them." She said. "Why would you possibly want to do that?" Asked Ray. "At least those kids have some experience, what are we gonna do?" "We'll figure it out." She replied. "Ray's got a point." Said Norman. "Look we don't think you shouldn't be positive, but we just want to make sure we're careful and I want to make sure I can protect you." "Good, then you can protect me in the sewers." Said Emma. "Damnit alright we'll come with you." Said Ray. "But it would be smart to not go in empty handed." "Don't know if it'll help but those guys just left a big bag of guns sitting out." Said Luz. After this revelation, they started to arm themselves. Sasha stuck with her two swords, Marcy picked out a large knife and nails to make makeshift arrows for her crossbow, Anne kept her sword but took a few grenades just in case, and Luz and Amity trusted their magic abilities. Emma Norman and Ray took a little more time choosing their weapons, since they had never seen firearms before. Ray opted for a sort of Silenced Pistol while Norman picked a Pistol that had a "burst fire" feature. Emma had some difficulty choosing a weapon because even though she knew fighting would be necessary, she didn't want to have to kill anyone if she didn't have to. She picked up a sawn off double barrel shotgun, it felt heavy. "Too big" she thought. She then picked up an extremely small pistol that looked like it hardly carried any ammo. "Too small" she thought. She then picked up a weapon that glowed blue and felt extremely cold, it radiated steam off of the barrel. "I don't even know what this is supposed to do!" She thought. Just as she put away the strange gun something caught her eye, it was laying on the counter. It was the nail gun that was used to put up the lights in the house. She inspected the tool and the nails. They looked like they would certainly hurt, but they wouldn't kill. She had found her weapon. After a few minutes of getting to know their weapons, they decided they were ready. Sasha decided to say something before they left. "Alright everyone listen up. They think just because we're kids we can't fight or defend our selves, I say we prove them wrong!" "And do it better than them!" Luz chimed in. They went out the door to find the nearest sewer entrance, and descend to confront their fate below.

Apologies if some characters were basically nonexistent in this chapter, we'll see them working together and interacting more in the next chapter :)

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