Only Human Bonus Chapter; Earlier draft

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Part #1 Dempsey's Journal:

Part 1: Dempseyʼs Journal
Field Report: Looks like thereʼs been a change of plans. After escaping from the Castle in Austria and killing off my alternate universe self, we were supposed to teleport to some island to deal with Takeoʼs doppelgänger, but something went wrong. Instead, we were sent to this weird witch
dimension with monsters and all sorts of magical stuff. While Richthofen was fixing up the tele- porter and the I was arguing with him about why we were doing what we were doing, a little girl found us. She seemed surprised that there were other people wherever we were and decided to help us lay low until our tele-porter was fixed. After it was repaired Richthofen informed us that his
book that tells the future has changed. It seems that something we or someone else did caused the multiverse to break and now multiple universes are spilling into each other and now we have to find certain people to help us fix it. Fast forward a few hours later and no weʼre hiding out at this teenage girlʼs house planning our next move. I havenʼt gotten everyoneʼs
names but Iʼll probably have to since it looks like weʼll be working with each other for a while. It also appears that a majority of them are children, great. Needless to say weʼve come across some odd characters. Thereʼs the girl that helped us in the woods, sheʼs pretty nice but kind of odd. It seems like sheʼs really good friends with this albino elf looking girl thatʼs about her age,
sheʼs more reserved. Next we have these three girls, one of them lives at the house weʼre staying at for now. All of them have some experience with swords it looks like. One of them seems pretty laid back and is also friends with these frog people. Somehow that combined with the modern technology around us is not the weirdest thing Iʼve seen a day. The other is more assertive and
probably has more experience considering she has two swords, and the third one seems pretty smart but also passive and ind of clumsy. I overheard one do their conversations and I think the third one is named Mary. We have yet another group of three kids that seem to be wearing prison clothes. Letʼs hope they didnʼt do anything too bad. The first one has
dark hair and seems pretty negative most of the time, hopefully heʼs okay. Secondly thereʼs this ginger girl that is so optimistic itʼs kinda creepy. Finally thereʼs this white haired kid who seeing to be a combination of the two and most likely the voice of reason, heʼs not bad. We also have this really weird creepy guy who wears this chicken mask and he hasnʼt said a word ever since we first got into
contact with him. I donʼt think heʼs mute but it feels like he doesnʼt even acknowledge anyone else. Itʼs not all bad though, thereʼs this big guy in a green futuristic suit of armor. He hardly talks and he has this blue lady that talks to him in his helmet. We havenʼt even seems his face because for some odd reason he never takes his helmet off but you know what? Heʼs alright. Anyways Iʼm
hoping that whatever wehavetodo,wedo it as soon as possible so things can get back to normal. Of course, thatʼs assuming the doctor doesnʼt screw everything up again but who knows? Only time will tell.

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